Ahlis Qoidah Noor

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A Multi tasking mother ( A poem at Kartini Day )
from pinterest

A Multi tasking mother ( A poem at Kartini Day )

When you are young, you are the same with other

Nothing to care, nothing to do just be a doer

Go where you want, seat when you need

Eat what you intend to, drink what you want to

When the time goes and goes

Everything turns so fast

Now, you have been one of the moms

With so many tasks to do fast

Early in the morning is the starting point

Praying, cooking, preparing for family

Come to your husband for a cup of coffee

Come to your daughter for some breakfast of cookie

When the Sun sets in the West

You don’t have time for some minutes to take a rest

Until the adzan asks you to call your family come home

And let them pray together or alone

When the lamp has to be turned on

It is your time not to lie down

As you have to make your children go beyond

And let them be great of your own

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Matur nuwun pak Pras, leres sanget......

23 Apr

Puisi yg sangat bagus. Begitulah tugas seorang istri yg juga ibu bagi anak2nya. Insyaallah banyak sekali pahalanya.

22 Apr


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