Aprilia Susanti

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TAKING RISK Tantangan Hari ke-32

TAKING RISK Tantangan Hari ke-32

I had to go to Surabaya by bus today. I needed my thesis supervisors to sign the approval sheet for proposal examination. They were at campus. Too bad that my head of department wasn't there, But I got two supervisors at a time. Alhamdulillah.


Let me tell you how it was like to be on public transportation on this days.Going to Surabaya, I took a bus. It was like the other days, like nothing happen. No social distancing as the bus was full. I was scarred like a mad. I wore mask. Every ten minutes, I sprayed antiseptics to my hands and surrounding. Yes. I sprayed people next to me, his clothes. He was okay and understand the situation. We sat arms to arms. I tried to move my body to make a distance, but I can't. The seats are so spaceless. 


I didn't care what other might think about me. I just wanted to survive and  be safe. Many people stood at the aisles. Some held on to handling, some hug the seat backs. I sat next to window, so my antiseptics bursted on the windows, railing, and the seat back in front of me. 


Got off the bus, I washed my hands in a supermarket sink. I was never scared this way before. It drove me crazy! Arriving at the campus, I washed my hands and changed clothes. 


Then, I got to the railway station. I was stopped by the security. My temperature hit at 37,26. They were asking each other. I lost my breath, feeling anxious. Not only because my sons were waiting for me, but also because I can no longer stay at my house in Surabaya. What's wrong?


My husband are working at the corona referral hospital in the province. We avoid physical contact each other. He advised me to take back and forth tickets. I can't stay in Surabaya.


After a while, they released me. I passed the security check and went on board. I created distance on the station and on the train. Thanks God, I had empty next seat. Once more, I sprayed my seat and the surrounding. 


This experience taught me to really get along with the rules. Stay at home is the best way. You might think, why I attempted to go at the very first place. The answer is because I pushed my self to get the administration stuf done. 


I believe this was also felt by the students who live away from campus. Just like I do. I don't own private cars, I have to take public transportation. It was so risky. I put my self and other in danger. 


By this sharing, I wish the campus taking this case seriously. Please make all the requirements online. We need to go to campus many times to see each lecturer and do this and that. It was so risky. 


To count, the students need to have approval sheet from the two supervisors and the head of department. Then, we need to have plagiarism check. In this paper, we need signature from the head of GPM and the secretary to have stamp. After that, I have to pay for I have to do reexamination at the payment office, in cash. After all the papers are ready, we submit it to the administration office. 


We need to see at least seven person. If all the person in charge are there (such as the administration officers), it is a blessed. We just need to stroll around the building at a time. 


The challenge is that not everyone in that building. In this restrictions time, don't you think it is so risky?


If I'm negative and healthy, no problem. What if I got infected during the trip on public transportation? No one at campus even know that. 

I felt so bad to put everyone in danger. What about other students who experience it too?


So, what's wrong with me? How could my temperature rise? I think I got flu from my kids. At home, they had runny nose. I am not going to touch anything as I get home. Will get shower soon and leave my outfit in laundry machine. I am planning to see doctor right away. Hopefully it is just common flu. Wish me luck.


I hope this letter brings good than harms. Thanks to my supervisors who are really supportive to wait for me in the building. I still need to see the others, so I will definitely back to the campus soon I make the appointment. You don't want me to leave the house, do you? So, please make it so much easier for us. I beg.


Surabaya-Bojonegoro, 18 March 2020

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