Atik Zulaikah

Atik Zulaikah, S. Pd adalah anak pertama dari dua bersaudara yang terlahir dari pasangan M. Awir dan Astuti. Lahir di Pacitan pada tanggal 2 Nop...

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My Other Half


My Other Half

When I knew you

I thought it was the best moment in my life

You had everything I dreamt about man

For me you’re the prince of my heart

If I told you the truth

You would be here by my side

If I gave you the file of my letters

You would know how much I loved you

How much I admired you

How much I missed you

How I badly needed you

Maybe we could be together

You would know that

I’ve never changed and stopped loving you

But the destiny had separated us

We couldn’t be together

We had to continue our life

Goodbye someone who stole my heart

You would always have a room in my heart

My other half

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