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Persiapan Observasi Kelas Bilingual

Persiapan Observasi Kelas Bilingual

Alhamdulillah…. Semalam menunda membuat tulisan, dan akhirnya bablas maning. Ba’da sholat isya, mau tidur sebentar. Jam 23.00 bangun, mau nulis, itu niatnya. Aku terbangun, melihat jam jam 03.00. Alhamdulillah… tetap semangat dan lebih semangat. Hanya semangat temanku dalam menulis. Maka pada hari ini, anggap tagur #1 lagi. Gegara ada WAG Guru, informasi dari konsultan internal, begini: “Assalamualaikum bapa ibu walas 5 hebat. Ada penambahan point penilaian dalam observasi kelas di ranah bilingual. Mohon ketika mengajar, pembiasaan kata2 berikut sdh mulai diterapkan ya bapa ibu…. Maka kutulis ini saja Teacher: Good morning, everyone! I hope you're all doing well today. Let's start our class with a quick prayer. [Teacher leads a brief prayer.]

Teacher: Now, let's take attendance. As I call your name, please say "present" or raise your hand.

[Teacher proceeds to call out names and takes attendance.]

Teacher: Thank you for confirming your presence. It's great to see everyone here today.

Teacher: Before we dive into today's topic, let's quickly review what we covered in our last class. Yesterday, we studied [mention the previous topic or materials covered]. Can someone summarize the key points from that discussion? [Encourage student participation.]

Student 1: We talked about [summarize key points from the previous class].

Teacher: That's right, Student 1. Excellent recap. Now, let's transition to our new topic for today.

Teacher: Today, we are going to talk about [announce the new topic]. It's an important concept that builds on what we learned previously, so pay close attention.

Teacher: Let's start our lesson today. [Begin teaching the new topic, providing explanations, examples, and engaging with students.]

Teacher: Now, I want to check if everyone understands. Do you have any questions about what we've covered so far? Is it clear to everyone?

[Encourage students to ask questions or seek clarification.]

Teacher: Great! It seems like you're all on track.

Teacher: That's all for today's lesson. Let's move on to closing our class.

Teacher: First, a quick review of what we've learned today. What did we discuss in today's class? [Encourage students to recall the main points.]

Student 2: We learned about [mention the key points from today's lesson].

Teacher: Well done, Student 2. You've got it.

Teacher: Now, let's close our session today with hamdallah. [Lead the class in saying hamdallah, which is a traditional closing phrase.]

Feel free to adjust this script according to your specific classroom and teaching style. wes, pokok men nulis. Kui mulai diberlakukan di September. Kanggo opo? Jarene kui kanggo nek di observasi, nalikane ngajar. Selipke boso enggres, was wes wos, was wes wos … ya sitik-sitik mudeng lah. Let’go, teacher!

Tagus #1

Buahati, 8/9/23

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