Dodi Indra Bernas

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Dodi Indra, S.S

Narrator : Assalamualaikum w.w. Ladies and gentlemen. It si nice to see you all here today. In this occasion, we will present you a play with title “ SNOW WHITE” This is our characters :

Ø ...................................... as SNOW WHITE

Ø ...................................... as PRINCE

Ø ...................................... as QUEEN

Ø ...................................... as MIRROR

Ø ...................................... as HUNTSMAN

Ø ...................................... as DWARF 1

Ø ...................................... as DWARF 2

Ø ...................................... as DWARF 3

Ø ...................................... as DWARF 4

Ø ...................................... as DWARF 5

Ø ...................................... as DWARF 6

Ø ...................................... as DWARF 7

Plot 1: in the kingdom

Narator : Once upon a time in mid winter,when the snow flakes were falling like feathers from heaven,a beautiful queen sat sewing at her window,which had a frame of Black ebony wood. As a sewed,she looked up at the snow and pricked her finger With her needle. Three drops of blood fell into the snow. Red on the white looked So beutiful. Afterward she had a littledaughter they called her little snow white

Queen : “mirror,mirror,on the wall,who in this land is fairest of all?”

The mirror :”you, my queen, you are fairest of all.”

Narator : now snow white grew up,and when she was seven years old ,she was so beautiful,

That the surprissed even the queen herself. Now when the queen asked her mirror

Queen :” mirror,mirror,on the wall, who in this land is fairest of all?”

The mirror :” you,my queen, you are fairest. It is true. But little snow white is still a thousand times fairer than you.

Narator : when the queen heard the mirror say this, she became pale with envy,and from

That hour on. Her jealousy gave her no peace.finally she summoned a huntsman

And said to him.

Queen :” Take snow white out into the woods to a remote spot, and stab her to death.

As proof that she is dead bring her lungs and her liver back to me. I shall cook them with salt and eat them.”

The huntman :” yes,my queen. I do it”

Plot 2 : in the forest

Narator : the huntman took snow white into the woods.

The huntman : I am sorry. I have to kill you. But.......

Snow white :”Please don’t kill me,don’t kill me,don’t kill me.”

The huntman : Forgive me. Your mother asked me to kill you. But I can not. Now.. go..go...

Snow white : I.... I.... I am..

The huntman : Go away... far away.....the wild animals will soon devour her anyway. I’m glad that I don’t have to kill her”

Narator : Finally, just as the sun was about to set, she came to a little house. When

night came, the seven dwarfs returned home from the work. They lit their seven little candles, and saw that someone had been in their house.

First one :”who has been sitting in my chair?”

second one : “Who has been eating from my plate?”

third one : “Who has been eating my bread?”

fourth one : “Who has been eating my vegetables?”

fifth one : “Who has been sticking with my fork?”

sixth one : “Who has been cutting with myknife?”

seventh one : “Who has been drinking from my mug?”

the first one : “Who stepped on my bed?”

second one : “And someone has been lying in my bed”

Narator : they fetched their seven candles and looked snow white .

Seven dwarf : “ good heaven ! good heaven ! she is so beautiful !”

Narator : when snow white woke up,they asked her

The dwarf : “ if you will keep house for us, and cook, sew, makes beds, wash,and knit,

And keep everything clean and olderly,then you can stay here,and you’ll

Everything that you want. We come home in evening, and supper must be

Ready by then, but we spend the days digging for gold in the mine. You

Will be alone then. Watch out for a queen, and do not let anyone in.”

Snow white : “ yes,I know.”

Narator : The queen thought that she was again the most beautiful woman in the land, and the next morning she stepped before the mirror and asked

Queen : “ mirror, mirror,on the wall, who in this land is fairest of all?”

The mirror : “ you,my queen,are fair,it is true. But snow white beyond the seven

Mountains is a thousand times fairer than you”

(she went to the dwarfs house and knocking on the door she called out )

Old woman : “ open up...I’m the old peddler woman with good wares for sale”

Snow white : “ what do you have?”

Old woman : “ bodice lace,dear child,”

Snow white : “would you like this one?”

Old woman : “ oh yes, come here, you are not laced up properly come here,I’ll do it

Better.”( snow white could not breathe and she fell down as if she were dead)

Narator : nightfall soon came,and the seven dwarfs returned home.they lifted her up

And saw that.they cut the bodice laces in two,and then she could breathe.

The dwarf : “it must have been the queen who tried to kill you? Take care and do not

Let anyone in again.”

Snow white : “yes, thank you so much,i will not be careless again.”

( the queen asked her mirror )

Queen : “mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is fairest of all?”

The mirror : “you,my queen,are fair,it is true. But snow white with the seven dwarfs is a

Thousand times fairer than you.”

Narator :” she made a poisoned comb.she knocked on the door.”

Old woman :” open up, open up.”

Snow white :” I’m not allowed to let anyone in.”

( she pulled out the comb )

Snow white :” can I help you?”

Old woman :” yes sure,! Come here, let me comb your hair.”(she had barely stucj the

Comb into snow white’s hair,the girl fell down and was dead )

Narator :the dwarfs came home just in time. They saw and pulled the poisoned comb

From her hair.the queen stepped her mirror.”

Queen :” mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is fairest of all?”

The mirror :” you,my is true. But snow white with the seven dwarfs is a

Thousand times fairer than you.”

( she went into her most secret,and she made a poisoned apple )

Narator :then she disguised herself as a peasent woman, went to the dwarf’s house

And knocked on the door.

Snow white :” I’m not allowed to let anyone in. The dwarfs have forbidden in most


Old woman :” if you don’t want to,I can’t force to,I can’t force you, I’m selling these

Apples and i will give you one to taste.”

Snow white :”no,i can’t accept anything.the dwarfs don’t want me to.”

Old woman :” if you are afraid, than will cut the apple in two and eat half of it. Here,

You eat the half with the bautiful red cheek!”

( she bite into it, but she bite in her mouth when she fell to the ground dead the queen was happy,went home)

Queen : “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is fairest of all?”

The Mirror : “You, my queen, are fairest of all”

The Queen : “Now I’ll have some peace, because once again I’m the most beautiful woman

In the land.snow white will remain dead this time.”

Plot 3 : in the castle

Narator : one day young prince came to the dwarf’s house and wanted shelter for the

Night. When he came into theirparlor and saw snow white lying there in a

Glass coffin,illuminated so beautiful by seven little candles,he could not get

Enough of her beauty. The prince had it carried to his castle, and had it placed in

A room where he sat by it the whole day,never taking her eyes from it.

The servants :”we are plagued the whole day long, just bacause of such a dead girl.”

(he hit her in the back with his land.then the terrible piece of apple that she had bitten off came out of her throat)

Snow white :” what you which have helped me to come to life? I’m very grateful for

Helping me.”

Prince :” you’re welcome.”

“ will you marry me?”

Snow white :” yes,I will.”

Narator :their wedding was set for the next day and they live happily ever after.

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