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A Story of an Amazing Wood. (Tagur Hari ke 43)

A Story of an Amazing Wood. (Tagur Hari ke 43)

Abu Hurairah ra. narrates that the Prophet SAW said, "There was a man from Bani Israel asking his best friend who was also from Bani Israel to lend him a thousand dinars. The man's friend said, "present witnesses so that I can make them witnesses." The man replied, "Allah is sufficient as a witness." The friend gave an alternative, "Then bring someone who can guarantee that you will pay your debt." The man insisted, "Allah is sufficient as a guarantor." The friend replied, "You are right." He then lent a thousand dinars with a specified repayment period.

Then the man who borrowed the money traveled by sea to complete his needs. When the debt repayment was due, he looked for a ship to return and pay the debt. But he could not find a ship. He then took a piece of wood and punched a hole in it then put in a thousand dinars and a letter for his best friend. He closed the hole again and carried it out to sea. The man said, "O Allah, you know that I owe a friend a thousand dinars. When he asked for a guarantee I answered 'Allah is sufficient as a guarantee' so he accepted You as a guarantee. He also asked for a witness and I said 'You are the witness.' I've really tried hard to get a ship so I can send the money, but I can't find it. I entrust this money to You." Then he threw the wood until it was washed away by the waves. Then he went to a ship that could take him back to his country.

Meanwhile, the friend who had lent him money was waiting, maybe a ship would come with someone who wanted to pay his debt. Suddenly he saw a piece of wood floating in the sea. He picked up the wood and made it as firewood for his family. As the man was chopping wood, he saw letters and money sent by the person who had borrowed money from him.

Sometime later, the man who borrowed the money came and handed over a thousand dinars. The man said, "By Allah, I have tried my best to find a ship so that I can pay my debt to you, but I did not get it until the time before I came to you today." The friend asked, "Did you send me something?" The man said, "I told you that I did not get a ship except before my arrival." The man's friend said, "Indeed Allah has delivered the wood you sent and showed me the thousand dinars."

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