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Noble Morality (Tagur hari ke 48)

Noble Morality (Tagur hari ke 48)

A man berated Abu Dharr, then Abu Dzaar said, "O you, do not spend your time insulting us. And make room for peace. Because we will not protect those who oppose Allah by abusing us except by obeying Allah. (by not insulting back)

A man berated Ash-Shafi'i (fiqh expert) then Ash-Shafi'i said, "If you are right may Allah forgive me and if you are wrong may Allah forgive you."

A man berated Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz, then Umar said, "You want the devil to arouse my anger (so that I abuse) my power."

It is narrated from Sahl at-Tustari that he had a dhimmi infidel neighbor. The dirt from the neighbor's latrine drained and littered Sahl's house. Every day Sahl placed a large vessel under his neighbor's latrine. At night, he threw the dirt out so that other people didn't see it. Sahl did this for some time, until the day before his death.

That day he invited his neighbor, he said, "Come in and see what's inside." The neighbor then entered and saw drops of water and dirt falling on the vessel that Sahl had placed. The neighbor said, "What do I see here?" Sahl replied, "It's been a long time since your toilet dung dripped into my house. I collect it during the day, and I throw it out at night. Now, I feel my end is near and I'm afraid that no one else will do this again."

Translated from "101 Kisah Teladan" written by Muhammad Amin al-Jundi, Indonesian translation by Safrudin Edi Wibowo, Lc

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