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The Story of Dajjal, and the Signs of the Last Day Part 4 (Tagur Hari ke-60)

The Story of Dajjal, and the Signs of the Last Day Part 4 (Tagur Hari ke-60)

"Forty days. One day is like a year, one day is like a month, one day is like a week, and the others are the same as usual," the Prophet explained. We continued to ask, "What about a day that feels like a year? Is it enough for us to pray one day?" The Prophet replied, "No, but think about it according to the level (like normal days). Then we asked again, "what is the speed of the earth?" Said the prophet, "like raindrops in the wind. He (Dajjal)comes to a people and calls them to believe in him. The people then believe in him and follow him. He orders the sky to rain, then it immediately rains. He orders the earth to bring out the plants, and suddenly green plants appear. But it doesn't take a long time, then everything returns to normal and disappears. Then Dajjal comes back to a group of people, calls, and repeats all his words. After that, he also leaves them suffering. The land of the people then becomes barren (after the rain has been cut off and the grass dries up). Not a bit of property is left in their hands.

Translated from "101 Kisah Teladan" written by Muhammad Amin al-Jundi, Indonesian translation by Safrudin Edi Wibowo, Lc

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