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The Story of Dajjal, and the Signs of the Last Day Part 7 (Tagur Hari ke-62)

The Story of Dajjal, and the Signs of the Last Day Part 7 (Tagur Hari ke-62)

Prophet Isa (as) and his companions then take refuge and pray to Allah SWT. He asks them to pray with all their hearts and ask Allah for help with all humility and ask Him for help to eliminate the interference of Gog and Magog who want to kill them. Then Allah sends worms (ie worms usually attached to the nose of a camel or cow) to Gog and Magog. So they are killed as one person died (died simultaneously).

Then Isa a,s comes down from the mountain. Not an inch of land is not filled with the stench of their carcasses (the followers of Gog and Magog). After the prophet and his companions witness this, they kneel down to pray to Allah SWT. Then Allah (SWT) send a giant bird, the size of a camel, and took them where Allah (SWT) wants. Allah SWT then sends down heavy rain, not a single house or hill is able to block the outpouring of water. The rain cleans the earth until it shines like glass. After that, it is said to the earth, "Grow up trees and fruit, return your blessings." And since then people have eaten the pomegranate again and taken advantage of its skin. The blessing is so great, that a camel that has just been born can suffice a large group of people, a cow that has just been born can meet one tribe and one goat can meet one group under the tribe. . While they were enjoying the blessings, Allah SWT sends a breeze to take the souls of every believer and Muslim. Meanwhile, deprived people are still let to commit their lewdness (adultery with women openly in public like donkeys. (Muslim)

Translated from "101 Kisah Teladan" written by Muhammad Amin al-Jundi, Indonesian translation by Safrudin Edi Wibowo, Lc

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