Eko Adri Wahyudiono

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Day 3  Judgement Day at GYS Asean, Singapore 2022

Day 3 Judgement Day at GYS Asean, Singapore 2022

The D-day or the most important day already came when we reached the third day in Global Youth Summit-GYS 2022 in Singapore. In this round of competition about innovative technology for sustainable environment on earth would be presented by each team from different school of many countries in Asean, including Asia Pacific region.

Each team's idea was offered and presented in English in front of judges. Phase by phase, such as opening, explain ideas, the implementation, budget, future planning, and advantages of their project for community and environment. Last but not least, each member of the team had to answer from many judges respectively.

Practice makes perfect is the motto we have. However, we honestly had to confess that the ability of our students in English was still hard compare to other countries among Asean. Even, I was so surprised that the delegation from Cambodia and Vietnam were excellent in delivering the presentation in good English. So, that why, It was not surprising when Cambodia got the first place in senior category of GYS 2022.

From this real experience, I give exposure to our students. They must study harder and harder for the future. How to prepare their ideas, how to apply their ideas in a project then how to socialize to others about their grand design is completely different thing. Not only smart brain or dilligent acts, but also good in public speaking. If necessarry, being mastered in many languages is also advisable.

Being declared as the third winner ( 3rd) with P.A.S.E. Project ( Pure Air Sustainable Earth) in GYS Singapore event 2022 is more than enough. We realized our own limited preparation, our poor ability in English presentation and lack of time before joining in this competition. Our happiness was going further, when another team of ours, WastLy Project got the finalist nomination. SMA 1 Magetan, our school, should be proud of them.

Hemisphere Foundation Asean, Singapura already sent their sponsorship for the winners to involve the competition in Vietnam 2023. Congratulation, students! You are the best!

Singapore 2022

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Congratulation for your students prestation. Thanks for the sharing of a very good story of the great event.

09 Dec

Thank you mam for the support. Regards from us

06 Jan


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