Eny Khusnul Hartati, S.Pd. M.Pd.

Eny Khusnul Hartati, seorang pendidik yang terlahir dari keluarga sederhana, darah guru mengalir dari ayahnya yang juga seorang guru. Ingin menjadi seseor...

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Happy Birthday Our Beloved School

Happy Birthday Our Beloved School

Tagur 25, 25012023.

Happy Birthday Our Beloved School

To celebrate our school, we hold some program. They are Fashion Show, Solo Vocal, Tilawah, Edufair, Gymnastic and Education Seminar about Public Speaking and Sex Education.

The program is held for three days. It is on January 25 - 26, and 29, 2023.

Today, Wednesday, January 25, the program is Fashion Show, Tilawah and Seminar.

Tomorrow, on January 26, 2023, we have gymnastic. We do it together of our big family of smapat. Then, it will continue the competition and Edufair. It is the program of socialisation of university registration. There are 15 universities that join in the program. We invite the Xll students of the school in Pekalongan and surrounding.

On Sunday, January 29, 2023. It is the top of celebration. The program is tasyakuran (thanking to Allah SWT) by cutting tumpeng as the sign of celebration. Key note from the headmaster, school Committee. Reunion: we invite the students of smapat from the first graduation up to the last graduation. The program is sharing information and experience from them to us. There will also regeneration of the community of them by making the official.

The next is giving gift to the winner of the competition. There is also Singing, and dancing. The last is closing.

All of us are so happy to celebrate our twenty-five year of school birthday. All of us work together to do the program. May it will be held successfully.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Terima kasih atas kunjungan dan apresiasinya, lbu.

26 Jan

Mantap ulasannya keren

25 Jan


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