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Sekisah Cinta di Pagi Hari untuk Pejuang Subuh
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Sekisah Cinta di Pagi Hari untuk Pejuang Subuh

Life is too worthy to be neglected by complaining, being angry, feeling regret all the time. Faciing toward the world, marching the earth and doing the right tings were the best ways to live life for love as one of my mates wrote on his profile.

I started the day as usual. Waking up early in the quiet morning made me optimistic go through the day.

"Paaah,,,,papaah bangun hampir subuh."

"Hehh,,,jam berapa inj?" asked my husband still laying on his bed.

"Ayooo,,sholat fajr baru kita ke masjid."

"Doain anak - anak kita."

Hurriedly up from his bed he woke up and gave his happy face. He always showed that expression whenever I said something right, exact, and full of love.

"Oh, iyaa"

"Maah,,,cepetaan sudah hampir adzan!"

Even I woke up earlier but he always finished first. Ah,,,lady,,,just going to the mosque, plenty were prepared right. 😂

Then we walked together to the mosque where my mother in - law lived near by. We always prayed dawn in the silent morning in that mosque. It was little bit farther but it made us visit our lovely, the only one parent_ his mother.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Hahaha iyaa subuh itu waktu yang indah memang,,,

13 Oct

Good good amazing bu...

12 Oct

Kiye njenengan bu mun? Waah naufal putrinya mesti oya, ,, deeply thsnk youuu

12 Oct

sy hanya dpt berkata,"Bravo!"

17 Oct

Fan saya hanya bisa membalas thank you

18 Oct

Subuh yang indaaah.....alhamdulillah sy jd buka kamus English lg ni bu farin

12 Oct


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