farina dewi Citrawati

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Takkan Kuhalau Benci Takkan Kurebut Cinta

Takkan Kuhalau Benci Takkan Kurebut Cinta

Riiiiiiiinnggggg,,,bell had rung. I saw my watch. 11.45. Students cleaned their table. I looked outside.

"Hmm,,time for dzuhur" I told myself.

Mosque of my town had called for several minutes ago. Late to the mosque again since the schedule had changed many times.

" Alright everybody time's up. Please submit the books on my desk"

"Do not revise your answer!"

" We continue the next session on Wednesday, right?"

"Alright...moom,," they replied me impatiently. I knew they had been so hungry. It was their second break. I went downstairs. Thinking everything in my mind during this year.

"Ah,,,pray first."

I went ahead to the administration office. I took water in restroom, so cool. Three times model of wudhu made me fresh and cool down feeling inside my heart. I looked at my face on a mirror near musholla. I smiled by myself.

"Hurry up!" a voice in my head warned me to rush going to the mosque.

After finishing my hijab I went out to the mosque. There was such a joy to spend some time praying dzuhur in a mosque. I walked silently and calmly. I was a solitaire, I thought.

Just two minutes more or less the school to the mosque, and the sun was so friendly made me frawning avoiding its light. I heard that the imam had done the dzikir and du'a.

"Hufftt,,late again." I told myself. I did mysholat alone. Four rakaat seemed so short when the day was so hot liked today. I sat still doing mydzikir and daily du'a. I saw my watch again,,,,

"ah second has finished"

" I should finish the report."

I didn't know a couple of eyes stared at me for some momentum.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


The poem is very nice. I like it.

12 Oct

Thank you anyway this is a short story not a poem, bu Rommy,,

12 Oct

Aahh bu Rommy, you commented the picture not my works, halaaah,,hehehe

12 Oct

ok loh jadi pingin beljar

12 Oct

Takpernah ada kata terlambat buat belajar bapaak,,,

12 Oct

Jujur aku iri banget bu farin,semoga bisa belajar lewat cerpen-cerpennya bu farina

13 Oct

Ko isoo bu ma'rifah,,,ayuuk belajar bareeeng,,,

13 Oct


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