Gebrina Rahmatika

Gebrina Rahmatika terlahir di daerah paling ujung Barat Indonesia di awal September 1989, mengenyam pendidikan dasar di SDN 30, SMPN 7, dan SMAN 3 di Banda Aceh...

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A Letter to My Unborn Children

A Letter to My Unborn Children

Dear My unborn Children,

Four years has passed away

I've been here waiting for you to come by

As we sing along the rainy breeze toward the dawn

Missing you are likely wind gone missing; nowhere to go and never come by

I'm feelin' so empty like there's a nest without those birds chirping

Where do you stop your steps? Mommy is waiting. Please come home.

Let me feel your embrace

Let me feel your heartbeat

Please come home

Please come to me

Let me feel the way it is

I have my eyes dry without tears

Cause this loneliness is killing me

Cure my pain, cure my pain

I'm in vain throughout my vein

I'm waitin' for miracles to happen

I know you'll be coming home tonight

Don't let the rainy brezee gones by

I've always stay here with all my heart to welcome you

Please come by, come to me, I'll bring you home tonight.

With Love,


At home: 20 Nov 2017

Miracles is about to happen

By: Ms. Geby

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


so nice....I like it

20 Nov

Thank you Ibu Desmi Irianti

20 Nov

Really wanna hug you dear miss Geby.

21 Nov


21 Nov

Nice...very good

21 Nov

Thank you Ibu Tri Handayani

21 Nov

very deep and breathtaking

20 Nov

very deep and breathtaking

20 Nov

Thank you Ibu Ida Nusraini

20 Nov

very deep and breathtaking

21 Nov

I feel you miss geby.. I was there..

21 Nov

Thank you for understanding my feeling

21 Nov


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