Islah Wahyuni

I'm a midwife giving health service in evening and a lecturer at STIKES PAYUNG NEGERI PEKANBARU...

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my first meeting5

assalamualaikum all,

i feel excited to know i have to enter new class with new topic like eglish basic in midwifery . its not easy to me, cause it need high confident and capability and skill on it.

in firts meet , i shared about how to understanding text structure to the students. then a gave them some tasks that they should do at home. i asking to send the tasks to Google Class Room.

here are the greeting and direction in Google Class Room:

Assalamualaikum all, nice to meet you. for the next moment we will meet each others on class to learning Understanding Text structure and how to do Writing.i know English not our mother language, its not easy to anyone, but you must believe that capability and skill are need practice and practice and practice and practice more.....!!!!!!lets leave your shy and negative thinking, untill now show your ability to speak, listening and writing what do you want. always being confident and enthusiasm in working together with your friend. below this, i put some tasks that you should doing at home, and collect the task as my advice..... on time is better than late. thank you for everything,


alhamdulillah the meeting has end well,

to me, never mind if i cant speak english well, but its a big trouble to me when i underestimate to my capability and not being confident when i star to discuss with them.

alhamdulillah all the process close happy ending....

thank you

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