Islah Wahyuni

I'm a midwife giving health service in evening and a lecturer at STIKES PAYUNG NEGERI PEKANBARU...

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what do you think now

hi everyone,

most reality is unforgetable in mind,

sometimes sadness came, and happiness was closer than before

we never though, if time flying so fast

the baby growth fastly, the kids are have adolescense now,

and all the aging sign has come to the body.


what do you think now

time has been change and take your youth,

all your dreams dan your hopes


what do you think now

all your hair has turned white

your knees has hurts and hard to carry


dont you think ???

its realization has happened to the body

all the facts of degeneration has faced in front of you


are you still being arrogant and haughty ??


lets bow your head, admit your mistakes and your bad attitude

i believe everything is will better than before

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