Khusnul Khotimah

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Keep Your Kids Safe Online

Keep Your Kids Safe Online

In the present time technology is very advanced and sophisticated. In general, people can already know the world. Any information in an instant has spread throughout the world. It is not strange that little children are good at playing gadgets. Even from a baby even when his eyes can already see the objects around him without exception to see the picture on the television screen.

Primary school age children are fond of playing games like play station. It contains violence, fights, and winning strategies. I think it is not good for the development of children both mentally and spiritually. The most suitable for children in mental development especially know the language through games or children's picture stories through animation or through interesting picture books.

Attention to the parents to continue to monitor and pay attention to the daily he associates and movements wherever his son is. Parents and educators are the foundation for further child development. What to do and what should not be done by a child. Examples of putting or storing things in place, greeting when entering the house, thanking when given a gift or when someone has been helped, respecting the elder, respecting others, loving, belonging to what he has, be careful of it, Keeping clean always and must throw garbage in place do not throw garbage carelessly. It's the advice and slogans that are in the school and that are applied at home. It should be inculcated early on either through singing or through electronic advertising such as television. This is the role of parents and teachers in the school that must be implemented so that children will become a strong person and always maintain cleanliness wherever they are.

How to fortify our children today?

Do we understand that our children are victims of cyberspace? Between conscious and not of course we already understand it. Therefore we must be aware of the negative impact of the internet world especially for our children. Do not let this nation become a nation that collapsed as happened in the colonial era first. Let us shape our children into tough, disciplined, hardworking, optimistic, strong, respectful, responsible, honest, faithful, and certainly useful people to religion, the nation and the nation.

Negative impact of modern technology:

· game applications that contain elements of violence, fights to killing very risky for children.

· the influence of pornography and porno-action that at times arise when children play the internet or play games.

· often see the screen on the monitor or from the phone will affect the eyesight of the child

or in his/her eyes.

· when children are playing games they forget to eat and everything. The sense of socialization and the playing time of children with peers around him to be reduced.

Positive impact of modern technology:

o the emergence of interesting educational programs that generate the attraction of children to learn such as learning language, science, mathematics and others.

o learn to read english as interesting as learning the sounds of letters through phonics method with an interesting dish and attractive. so early on the children can be fluent in English.

o learning to read Alqur'an through internet application allows parents to access the


o Make it easy for the children when they get the assignment from their teacher or for other purposes.

Ways to Protect our children from the inpact of modern technology:

Ø commitment between parents and children before buying a gadget or notebook or computer.

Ø religious teachings will strengthen and strengthen the child's personality to always do good, because the things that children do are always seen by Allah both visible and invisible.

Ø engage parents into the online world of children.

Ø giving harsh sanctions to children when they neglect their obligations when committing first.

Ø create posters that contain rules of internet access on the wall of children's bedroom.

This article is my first english writing. We're sorry if there's a grammatical error or something else. Thank you very much.

Go Literacy…!

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