Lilis Astuti


Navigasi Web
Do you speak English ??

Do you speak English ??

   On Saturday there was an English language test, actually the test was done last week but because the test was not finished yet, so continue today at the PAI STAI HAS building on the 2nd floor.  Me, Nurlita and Karmila entered the examination room.  Precisely at 17:37 WIB until 18:04 WIB.  There, my friends and I were asked one by one about Address, birth date, favorite food, hobbies and about family.  To be honest, my English is not good so a little nervous asked by my lecturer.  But I have to be able to and can be about what I don't know.  Because that is my challenge.

  Even though English has existed since elementary school but still I am not good at it.  Excitement for Indonesian students.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Nice experience. Practice make perfect mam

14 Dec


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