M A Taufik

Passion to people ...

Navigasi Web


Life is worth living,

Life is worth taking risks,

Life is worth making mistakes.

You will have a reason to learn from your mistakes.

As long as you have a destination, you will have a reason to get back up after every fall.Define your life to delight in your dreams.

The journey to live the dream refers to the personal process of actively pursuing and working towards achieving your dreams, which involves navigating challenges and taking consistent steps to live a life that aligns with your deepest desires.

Recognizing the value of the journey helps you stay motivated even when encountering setbacks. Don’t stop chasing your dream.

If you do not let yourself build your own dreams, someone else will hire you to fulfill theirs.

- Berapa tahun masa kerja anda?

- Apakah pekerjaan saat ini semakin mendekatkan kepada impian hidup anda?

- Apakah anda merasa berdaya?

- Apakah anda sejahtera?

- Apakah anda bahagia?

What do you think about dream number 4?

Life is a matter of choices, every choice you make makes you - John C. Maxwell

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