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aku seorang pesakitan -__- menjadi guru wiyata di MA darul ma'la Winong PATI 1997-2010, mejadi Guru SMP negeri 2 Winong 2003-2010, menjadi guru di S...

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koh nol

order to welcome new students of Universitas Indonesia (UI), batch of 2012, UI has already organized training activities which are called by Student Learning Orientation 2012 (Orientasi Belajar Mahasiswa/OBM). The training is intended that new students can prepare themselves to live the life course, especially in UI. The new students will acquire the skills needed in university such as Collaboration Learning (CL), Problem Based Learning (PBL), Learning Skills (LS), Information Literacy (IL) and Computer Mediated Learning-Information Technology (CML-IT). Those all are given in OBM.

OBM is gonna be held on December 6 to August 11, 2012 (for regular students) and August 27 to September 1, 2012 (for parallel students). For that, UI opened the registration for UI faculty, students, and alumni of UI to be a facilitator (either an instructor or assistant) to deliver content LS and CML-IT. In short, I registered my self as a facilitator of OBM LS. Actually, I had no experiences in teaching as a facilitator at OBM, but yeah I had been a teacher at some courses that focus on how senior high school students can understand chemistry, so this opportunity challenges me to get a lot of benefits (you see, it is not only about how many rupiahs I will get, but also about how I can adapt with new situations). After all, I used to wait for the announcement but it was so long, so actually I have ever forgot about this, until someday my friend, Reza, told me that I was accepted as a facilitator of OBM LS. The table below is a portion of earned facilitators (actually there were 4 classes, class A-D). You see, most of the facilitators are come from psychology students and I am paired with Ristiana Istiqomah (Nana) from psychology 2007.

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