Osep Muhammad Yanto

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Mr. Sakses with Literacy

Mr. Sakses with Literacy

It was a few weeks since we did the interview in front of the camera. Abhay did everything to take good scene with his camera. The interview last for about one and a half or two hours, but everything was going well.

Few days ago, Abhay gave me his interview video link. I opened it. I read it. I enjoyed the video. I laughed myself. My wife smiled to me. My youngest daughter joked me. I felt happy looking them, curiously watching my video.

“What should I do with this video?” I asked myself.

I just wanted to do everything goodness in every single time. Abhay gave me a chance in his YouTube channel, Mr. Sakses, to boost others in writing books. Everyone would be received only in second to see the video.

I opened many WA groups of mine. I sent them all my video. I received many responds. Nothing bad from the responds, alhamdulillah. “Thank you, friends. I hope Allah will give us His blessing,” I mumbled.

Terima kasih, Mr. Sakses.Semoga budaya membaca dan menulis buku semakin digemari masyarakat Indonesia.




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