Retno Nur Handayani

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Being a mother of more than two hundred children

Today, March 2019 is the beginning of this story. Before our departure, we had Dzuhur and Ashar prayers first. Along with prayers and farewell, we headed to Pasar Senen railway station by 6 metro mini buses. We were accompanied by 6 teachers and a staff and we arrived at Pare, East Java, at 15.30. It was definitely a little bit crowded and tiring as we had to take care of many children with all of their stuffs, meals, and snacks for the entire trip. Despite the help from porters, it was still exhausting. Moreover, we had to settle some administrative necessities such as tickets for companions and we had to settle some double-ticket issues for students whose departure cancelled.

Then the story begins. We were responsible for all of these students. Bismillah, we hoped Allah help us.

We preferred going by train to Kediri because its service is now much better. On the train, students were able to move freely and they could interact with their peers in different wagons. Students in each wagon were accompanied by one companion. As previously stated in the briefing, the first meal, burger and mineral water were served while we were checking the condition to make sure that students were doing well. At a glace, they seemed to enjoy their trip even though some students still looked sad for parting from their families. We understood their feeling as most of them had never been away from their parents. It was our job to support and motivate them.

The dinner time was disrupted with a little problem due to missed calculation of the meal boxes. Then, we decided to take some meal boxes for tomorrow’s breakfast. Hmmm…these students indeed had great appetite. It was getting late at night but they seemed to find it difficult to sleep. They talked to each other loudly which disturbed other passengers. Some of them even going back and forth from wagon to wagon.

In the morning, we arrived at Kediri railway station, where the buses had been waiting to take us to our boarding house in Pare. We received warm welcome from the management of FEE Center.

Daily routines were well-done from morning to evening. Besides attending routine classes, they also had refreshment activities and they visited some tourist attractions in Kediri and outside Kediri. Their weariness and happiness gave them different impression. We even had different story from day to day. We often had to deal with students’ health issues including common cold, fever, itch, even lice problems. We took good record of their health issues in the similar way health clinics record their patients’ data. We even stored some medicine, vitamins, and honey. We also brought our own health therapy mat, and our own cupping therapy tools.

Subhanallah, things went well until we went back to Jakarta. It was the 7th time I accompanied students during a school event. Each activity left me with different story at different time.

There was no significant obstacle during this event. At last but not least, I hope that this outing class bring great benefits for all of us.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Reading the title, I thought that you had two hundreds children from one husband, hehe.Good job

28 Jan

Hehee, it just make the reader curious Mr. Thanks to read my story.

30 Jan


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