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We Proud Of You Guys!!

For the first time ever, four of our students participated in the APKRES SD 2017 Se-Sabah at the Sekolah Indonesia Kota Kinabalu, on 19th of August 2017.

This morning, each of them tell their experiences in joining the competition. Sharil is one of them. He tell his friends about meeting new friends from other schools, where did Buy Uri(the teacher who managing them) took them to the mall, and the newspaper factory. They're really having a great time there.

Thank you Allah, thanks to their parents, their courage, and their confidence, they've got 1st place in Mathematics, 2nd in Science, 4th place in drawing and a runner up in singing. But overall, they've got the 3rd place.

I still remember what Sharil said to his friends.

"A failure is only a delayed victory."

Doesn't matter if they win or lose, but the process is important. The experiences they've got is important. But still,

we proud of you guys!!

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


"the process is important." I really really agree with you.

22 Aug

Thank u, pak.

26 Aug

I really like we proud of you guys for its motivation

22 Aug

Thank u, pak asep!

26 Aug

Hebaatt bu Rozafiqah

22 Aug

Terima kasih bu Dian!

26 Aug


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