Sulthon Samudra

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Tasty and Delicious Poem For Grampy Old Lady )

Right now, I wish for all kinds of sorrow cleared away.

Sso I could have a dream about future in this darken earth.

I chase a fallen white bird into a deep dark forest.

But it disappeared into the shadow of willow trees’ grove, engulfs in green grass color.

The light of spring sun almost gone into thin air, I could smell the fragrance of flower I have been chased for.

I wander all alone through the shadow of four seasons, barely walking on barefoot, in a labyrinth.


Which I have been vaguely hiding.


Which I have been searching for forever.

All of them united into the circumference of the hyacinth orchids I plucked.

A colorful pattern of melancholy.

I merely want to recite a poem.

A poem of vain and hope.

Entrust my wish upon the ray of hope reflected on water's surface and those fluttering petals of flowers.

May silence itself be our shield.

Thus I could close both of my eyes and fall asleep peacefully in eternity.

The dark of midnight that drawn by my black blood on a rough, cheap canvas.

Sure it would swallow anything into darkness cause I told you so.

In the midst of it's flow, melodies of my colorful memories are vanishing away, along with the light.

Now say, if today exists for the sake of tomorrow.

What could you dedicate for?

For our lost future?

You never change.

Never as night which would continue to watch over us without offering a hand of salvation.

What a prick.

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