SUN AND THE CLOUD (Cerita Anak 1)
One day, there are Sun and Cloud meet.
"Halo Cloud, how are you?" said Sun
"Halo Sun, I am fine, thankyou and you?" said The Cloud.
" I am not well. But thank you." said Sun.
"What happen Sun?" ask Cloud.
"I want to learn counting. But I don't know who can help me?" said Sun with sad.
"Don't worry Sun. I can help you." Cloud said.
" Really? Thankyou Cloud." Sun look brightly and smile with happily.
" I like this scenery. How beautiful this sand at the Beach!" with smiling The Cloud talk to The Sun.
"Yes, I agree with you Cloud. Look that the dolphins are happy swims at the ocean." said Sun.
"Yes, the dolphins family are very cheerful. They love swims around this ocean. There are 6 dolphins, right?" said The Cloud.
Sun start to count how many dolphins swim at the ocean. One. Two. Three, Four, Five, Six.
Sun smile because he can count.
The Cloud said, " Good Job Sun. Today you can count one until six."
"Yes, thankyou so much Cloud. I am happy to meet you today." said Sun.
"I need to go now. Lets meet again tomorrow." Cloud go and say goodbye.
Pesan :
Setiap anak akan belajar dengan baik bersama guru yang sabar dan kreatif.
Setiap orang bisa jadi guru.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
so nice..
Thankyou miss
Pesanntya mantap,,,,Setiap anak akan belajar dengan baik bersama guru yang sabar dan kreatif.benar sekali. salam
Terima kasih bu apresiasinya