Once upon a time, there is Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple.
They live happy at village with many flower in the garden.
Red is a boy who likes play at the garden.
Orange is a boy who likes reading book under the tree.
Yellow is a girl who likes chase after the butterflies.
Green is a young man who likes fishing at the Lake.
Blue is a young woman who likes make sweet cakes.
Purple is a grand father of they are.
You can call them Rainbow Family.
The village was famous among the other people. It can deliver many kind of flowers.
Red and Orange on duty to grow up Tulips. Tulips Garden at the east of the village.
Yellow and Green on duty to grow up Roses. Roses Garden at the west of the village.
Blue and Purple on duty to grow up Orchids. Orchids Garden in the greenhouse. It is in the corner of village.
Today is harvest day. So everyone is busy cutting the flowers.
They sing a lot of song.
Red and Orange sing Baby Shark song.
Yellow sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
Green only dancing. Blue just smiling with Orchid in hand. And Purple Grandpa pick up all flowers already set in bunch of pot. They bring the flowers with Rainbow Family truck.
They are very happy.
On the way to Town. Purple Grandpa look so pale. Blue ask him to rest for a while. Others agree to rest.
How poor Purple Grandpa ! He looks so tired.
After one hour on the way, they arrived at market in the Town.
Wow, it’s a crowded market place. A lot of people selling there.
Red, Orange, and Green start to set the flowers in the temporary shop. They sort the flowers by the type.
Yellow and Blue needs to make some flower bouquet. Thea are look so profesional make beautiful and elegant bouquet.
Every people who visit their shop was buy some flowers.
The day turn off. It’s 8 o’clock at night. All the flowers already sell.
They are going home.
That’s a wonderfull and busy day. They love to help each other.
They are Rainbow Family.
-The End-
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