Sundari, M.Pd

Sundari, S.Pd.., M.Pd purnabhakti sebagai Karyawati BUMN sejak bulan Agustus 2020, Pengajar sejak tahun 2007 dan sebagai Kepala Sekolah sejak tahun 2021 di SDI ...

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Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswaku Kelas V (1)

Semester Test I                                    Name:………………………………

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris        Class: V (five) /…. Number: …



I. Match! (Jodohkan!)

1. Is plane a kind of air transportation?

2. How does Mrs. Tuti go to the market? She goes to the market by ....

3. Today is very hot. What should I wear ? You should wear a …

4. When going to school, Abi wears a …

5. The bus stops at the …


a. singlet

b. uniform

c. pedicab

d. bus station

e. Yes, it is


II. State True or False

Dani is in the canteen He is sitting next to Dino. Dani is ordering for Soto and Iced Tea. Dani loves Soto so much. He thinks Soto is yummy. He also likes Iced Tea. Dino is different from Dani. Dino is ordering for Pecel Lele and Orange Juice. Pecel Lele is his favourite food. He likes orange juice so much.

1. Dani is in the library .............................. True/False

2. Dani is ordering for Soto and Hot Coffee ....True/False

3. Dino is ordering Orange Juice .................. True/False

4. Dino likes Pecel Lele ..............................  True/False

5. Dani not in the canteen .........................  True/False


Good luck!

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