Tony subawanto

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Bahan Materi Belajar Bahasa Inggris 'Conversation in Context'

Bahan Materi Belajar Bahasa Inggris "Conversation in Context"

#Tantangan hari ke-369

#Sabtu, 13 April 2024


Part 2

Topic: "Flatmates"

In pairs, imagine you are looking for someone to share your flat.

Write a newspaper advertisement including information about the room, the flat and a contact number.

Make sure you both have a copy of the ad.

Swap partners with another pair and role-play this telephone conversation.

Student A, you have put an advertisement for a flatmate in the local paper. However, in order to save money you kept it short: "Room to rent. Call 021 1234 5678."

Student B, you are looking for a room. Ask student A about the room, the flat, the other tenants, the rent and any rules.

Swap roles, and role-play the conversation again.

What problems can happen between flatmates? (Brainstorm ideas with the class about these issues.)

You may discuss about housework, money, TV, music, bathroom, telephone, friends, food etc.

Are you ready to have discussion?

Konten pada website ini merupakan konten yang di tulis oleh user. Tanggung jawab isi adalah sepenuhnya oleh user/penulis. Pihak pengelola web tidak memiliki tanggung jawab apapun atas hal hal yang dapat ditimbulkan dari penerbitan artikel di website ini, namun setiap orang bisa mengirimkan surat aduan yang akan ditindak lanjuti oleh pengelola sebaik mungkin. Pengelola website berhak untuk membatalkan penayangan artikel, penghapusan artikel hingga penonaktifan akun penulis bila terdapat konten yang tidak seharusnya ditayangkan di web ini.

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