Tony subawanto

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Lesson Materials for Conversation in The Class

Lesson Materials for Conversation in The Class

#Tantangan hari ke-378

# Senin, 22 April 2024


Part 10

Topic: "Neighbourhood watch"

There has been an increase in crime in your neighbourhood, especially violent crime and car crime. You are going to attend a meeting to decide what to do.


Prepare for the meeting in pairs. Discuss your ideas and make notes.

1. Pair A you are.

The local Member of Parliaments - You represent the government's new 'get tough on crime' policy.

The local chief of police - You believe in zero tolerance towards criminals.

2. Pair B, you are:

A local youth worker - You want more money for community projects and you believe that prevention is better than punishment.

An ex-criminal - You are now working to help reformed criminals.

3. Pair C, you are:

The leader of the local tenants' association - You want a safer environment for the tenant A reporter from the local newspaper - You want find out the views of all concerned.

4. Pairs A, B and C, join to form groups of six. Role-play the meeting.

(f the class does not divide into groups of six, extra students can join pair C as reporters or local residents or act as chairperson to manage the meeting.)

Have a nice roleplay!

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Great Sir!

22 Apr


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