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The purpose of this study is to examine the use of Counting Multiplication Methods Using Media Cards to determine the increase in motivation and achievement of learning outcomes of class II students in multiplication learning numbers resulting from two-digit numbers. This study uses a class action research design with qualitative methods.

The subjects of this study were grade II students of ALAZHAR BEHJI Surabayayang Elementary School totaling 31 students. The data in this study were obtained from observations on the use of media cards, student learning outcomes, and tests. The results of data collection were analyzed using qualitative description analysis techniques.

The results of the achievement of learning activities experienced an increase, then showed that the teacher's activity in the first cycle was 67.74% and in the second cycle increased by 80.64% in the very good category. The results of student activities also increased, this was evident in the first cycle of 67.74% and in the second cycle increased by 80.64% with a very good category. It can be concluded that by using media cards can increase teacher and student activity and student learning outcomes in the multiplication material in class II SD ALZHAR BEHJI Surabaya.

Keywords: Media Cards, Mathematics Learning Outcomes, SD ALAZHAR BEHJI

A. Background Mathematics is a difficult lesson, a scary lesson and a boring lesson, is that right, it is often raised by students from both elementary and advanced schools. This is common in ALAZHAR BEHJI Elementary School Surabaya (source from the elementary school on March 6, 2017. As an educator who is able to make a change in viewers of mathematics lessons is not easy. The success of a child in school is not only determined by cognitive factors or has a big influence, among others, requires some changes both in terms of media, teaching and learning processes, methods and educators themselves. According to Piaget (Santrock, 2007: 254) says: children in the age of 7-11 years are concrete operational periods, namely children reach certain logical structures that allow them to form several mental operations, but are still limited to concrete objects. At the age of primary school children need special and concrete handling especially in learning especially mathematics by paying attention to the media used to facilitate the planting of concepts and skills in learning, expected to get optimal results. Ki Hajar Dewantara (Dewantara II, 1994) says Education is the civilization of civilized human mind and the fruit of human struggle against the two forces that always surround human life, namely nature and age or society. Thus, education is essential for humans throughout its civilization along with changing times and is related to human efforts to liberate the mind and be born so that humans are not dependent on others but rely on their own strength. Media cards are usually used for mathematics learning media to facilitate understanding of learning and draw attention to the learning process. So from the emergence of these problems researchers aim to improve student learning outcomes. Thus, I tried to make a paper with the title: Use of Calculating Numbers Multiplication Using Media Cards in Mathematics Learning to Improve Class II Learning Outcomes of SD ALAZHAR BEHJI. Learning media can enhance the learning process of students in teaching which is expected to improve learning outcomes. The use of educational media is very dependent on teaching goals, teaching materials, ease of obtaining the necessary media and the ability of teachers to use it in the teaching process (Rumampuk, 1988: 12). Teaching media as one of the supporting factors for the success of teaching goals has a huge influence. Therefore carefulness is needed in choosing teaching media, because media that is not suitable is likely to hinder the achievement of teaching goals. B. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM 1. How to Use the Calculation Method to Multiply Numbers Using Media Cards in Mathematics Learning to Improve Class II Learning Outcomes at SD ALAZHAR BEHJI Surabaya? 1. ) Problem Solving A. Definition of learning media Media comes from the Latin media and is the plural form of the word "medium" which literally means "intermediary or introduction". While learning media is a vehicle for channeling learning information or channeling messages. According to (Schramm: (1977) With media, students will get applicative knowledge and easy to understand. Media in learning there are many components including media as a tool or display. Props are interpreted as a tool to deliver lessons or educate students to understand. The use of teaching aids is inseparable from the principles and selection criteria, namely the existence of clarity and determination of the purpose of the election, so that the learning objectives can be achieved. With the use of appropriate and varied learning media can overcome the passivity of students. In this case the learning media is useful for: 1. Causing enthusiasm for learning. 2. Enables more direct interaction between students and the environment and reality. The ability to multiply the number of students who are felt to still not meet expectations is solved through classroom action research. The action taken is Using the Method of Calculating Numbers Multiplication Using Media Cards in Learning Mathematics to Improve Learning Outcomes in Class II of the expected ALAZHAR BEHJI Elementary School. 2. ) Research Objectives To find out how much influence the use of the method of calculating number multiplication using card media in mathematics learning to improve learning outcomes of grade 2 elementary school students. 3. ) Benefits of Research 1. Benefits for students a. Increase motivation and learning achievements of peseta students. b. Improve students' ability to multiply numbers. c. As learning material that can be used to improve student learning outcomes in grade 2 elementary school (SD) by using media cards in mathematics learning. 2. Benefits for teachers a. Can be a reference material in planning and implementing learning using appropriate learning media. b. The teacher gains self-confidence after successfully implementing save the media card, and can be used as a reference for the teacher to add to the learning method. 3. Benefits for schools Can improve teacher achievement because it can improve student achievement, and can be used as a learning media at SD ALAZHAR BEHJI Pakal Surabaya. LITERATURE REVIEW A. UNDERSTANDING OF EDUCATION Education is a process of extracting and processing continuous experiences (Dewey, 2004: 9) Education is a process of developing the existence of students who are in the community, cultured, in a system of life that has local, national and global dimensions (Tilaar, 1999: 28). B. EDUCATION IN BASIC SCHOOL The definition of education in elementary school has the same meaning as devinition which is described above, but only places the audience or students who distinguish it. What is meant is education in elementary school. Emphasize is centered on elementary class students between grade 1 to class 6 which regulates the material and the subject matter is specifically arranged in GBPP (Outline of the Teaching Program). Regarding education in elementary schools with scope covering material to ALAZHAR BEHJI Surabaya Elementary School held throughout life as further education with the same purpose as the description in Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the education system. C. KNOWING THE NEEDS OF STUDENTS IN BASIC SCHOOL As a social creature, which is bestowed by reason, thought, taste, and intention by God. humans certainly need something that includes eating, drinking, clothing, a home or a place to live. In addition to the clothing and board needs, humans also need education as a provision in an effort to shape their knowledge in facing increasingly complex life problems towards their old age. D. DEFINITION OF MATHEMATICS Mathematics is defined by Johnson and Rising (Erman Suherman, 2003: 19) as thinking patterns, organizing patterns, logical proofs, languages ​​that use terms that are carefully defined, clear, and accurately represent with solid and symbolic representations. Mathematics according to Erman Suherman (2003: 253) is a discipline of procedures for thinking and processing logic, both quantitatively and qualitatively. E. Definition of Numbers Numbers are a mathematical concept used for enumeration and measurement. Merserve (Dali, 1980: 42) states that numbers are an abstraction. As a number abstraction has no physical existence. Soedadiatmodjo, et al (1983: 67) number is an idea used to describe or abstract the number of members of a set. Numbers themselves cannot be seen, written, read and said because they are ideas that can only be lived out or thought of. F. Understanding of Media According to Arsyad, 2002; Sadiman, et al., 1990, said that media (the plural form of the word medium), is a word derived from the Latin medius, which literally means 'middle', 'intermediary' or 'introduction'. Therefore, media can be interpreted as an intermediary or delivery message from the sender to the recipient of the message. Learning media is everything that can be used to channel messages from the sender to the recipient so that it can stimulate the mind, feelings, attention and interests and attention of students in such a way that the learning process occurs (Sardiman, 2002: 16). G. Understanding Media Cards Media Media Card is a plural word from a medium which means an intermediary or introduction. The word media applies to various activities or businesses, the term media is used also in teaching or educational media which the term becomes an educational media or learning media (Sanjaya, 2006: 161). Learning cards are a medium used for teaching and learning in the form of written messages or pictures. So cards are visual-based media (Arsyad, 1996: 106) Berliana also added that group learning with question card media rests on two things: a. Optimizing interactions between all learning elements, namely teachers, students, and the media. b. Optimizing the participation of all students' sense, namely the senses, feeling and intention. IMPLEMENTATION OF RESEARCH LEARNING RESEARCH This research is a learning improvement study, research conducted to improve or improve the quality of classroom learning. This research was carried out by applying the Principles and Principles of Classroom Action Research (CAR). Mc Niff (in Wardhani, 2012) suggests that PTK is a form of reflective research conducted by teachers that can be used as a source for curriculum development, school development, development of teaching skills, and so on. In this study using the form of the teacher as a researcher, where the teacher is very instrumental in the process of research to improve learning. In this form, the main purpose of learning improvement research is to improve the quality of classroom learning practices. In this activity, the teacher is directly involved in the process of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The presence of other parties in this study also has a role, however, not dominant and very small. A. Subject, Place and Time of Research, Helping Parties 1. Research Subjects The research subjects were grade II students at ALAZHAR BEHJI Surabaya Elementary School, totaling 31 students consisting of 16 male students and 15 female students. This research was conducted on Mathematics (MTK) subjects with the subject matter of Multiplication of Numbers as material for discussion and learning by using discovery learning card media as an effort to improve Mathematics learning achievement in the second grade students. 2. Research Place The place of research is the place used in conducting research to obtain the desired data. This study took place at SD ALAZHAR BEHJI, Pakal District, Surabaya City, 2016-2017 academic year. 3. Research Time The time of research is the time the research takes place or when this research is held. This research was carried out. The time of this research is in April until this research can be resolved properly with the details of the first cycle which is carried out on April 13, 2017, while the second cycle is held on April 26, 2017, and each cycle takes 2 x 35 minutes in 1 meeting. 4. Helpful Parties In this study the researcher was assisted by Mr. Yunanto Tri Laksana, M.Pd. as supervisor I, Ms. Ummu Waroh, S.Pd.I. as supervisor 2, Ms. Ummu Waroh, S.Pd.I. as the head of ALAZHAR BEHJI Surabaya Elementary School and Ms. Lailatul Magfiroh, S.Pd.I as colleagues and teachers at SD ALAZHAR BEHJI Pakal Surabaya. B. Design of Learning Repair Procedures Learning Repair Procedure Learning is the stages of activities to complete the activities while research is the activity of collecting, processing, analyzing and presenting data carried out systematically and objects to solve a problem. The research procedure is the stages of the activity of collecting, processing, analyzing and presenting data carried out systematically and objectively to solve a form of problem. According to the understanding of action research is research on things that occur in the community or target groups, and the results can be directly applied to the community concerned (Arikunto, 2002: 82). The main characteristic or characteristic in action research is the participation and collaboration between researchers and members of the target group. Action research is a problem-solving strategy that utilizes concrete actions in the form of an innovative development process that is tried on the fly in detecting and solving problems. In the process the parties involved in the activity can support each other. While the purpose of action research must fulfill several principles as follows: 1. The problem or topic chosen must meet the criteria, which are truly real and important, attract attention and are able to be handled and within the scope of the researcher's authority to make changes. 2. Research activities, both interventions and observations made should not interfere with or hinder the main activities. 3. The type of intervention that is attempted must be effective and efficient, meaning that it is chosen right on target and does not waste time, funds and labor. 4. The methodology used must be clear, detailed, and open, each step of the action is clearly formulated so that people who are interested in the research can check each hypothesis and proof. 5. Research activities are expected to be a process of ongoing activities, given that the development and improvement of the quality of actions cannot stop but becomes a challenge all the time. (Arikunto, 2002: 82-83). Kemmis and Mc Taggart's design can include a number of cycles, each of which consists of stages: planning (plan), implementation and observation (act & observe), and reflection (reflect). These stages take place repeatedly, until the research objectives are reached. The steps in the next cycle are revised plans, actions, observations, and reflections. Before entering the first cycle, preliminary actions were taken in the form of identifying problems. Put in the form of pictures, Kemmis and Mc Taggart's designs will appear as follows:

Figure 3.1 Flow of PTK The explanation of the flow above is:

1. Design / initial planner, before conducting research researchers formulate the problem statement, objectives and make an action plan, including research instruments and learning devices.

2. Implementation and observation, including actions taken by researchers as an effort to build understanding of students' concepts and observe the results or impacts of the application of problem solving methods.

3. Reflection, the researcher examines, looks at and considers the results or effects of actions carried out based on the observation sheet filled by the observer.

4. The revised draft / plan, based on the results of reflection from the observer, makes the revised plan to be carried out in the next cycle. But in this study researchers only made improvements to learning as much as two cycles, each cycle consisting of the following stages.

CYCLE I 1. Planning Based on the results of problem identification, problem analysis and formulating hypotheses of actions from pre-cycle learning, the authors plan to improve learning cycle I for thematic subjects on Thursday, April 13 2017 by compiling actions (scenarios) to improve learning as follows: a. Develop a learning improvement plan (RPP) I in accordance with the focus which has been specified. b. The teacher determines the media and learning resources needed in Learning Activities. c. The teacher prepares the student's observation sheet. d. The teacher prepares the final test evaluation questions. 2. Implementation of actions The implementation of the first cycle on Thursday, April 13, 2017 in the first hour of study is 07.30 to 08:40 or the duration of time is 2 x 35 minutes. The author carries out the improvement of learning cycle I using the Learning Improvement Plan (RPP cycle I). Repair activities include: a. The teacher performs an apperception and continues to explain briefly about plants and continues with question and answer. b. The teacher installs teaching aids and classically observes students. c. Students are given the opportunity to express their learning difficulties. d. With the guidance of the teacher students make conclusions. CYCLE II 1. Planning Based on the results of problem identification, problem analysis and formulating hypotheses for actions from learning cycle I, the authors plan to improve learning cycle II for Mathematics subjects on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 by compiling actions (scenarios) to improve learning as follows: a. Develop a learning improvement plan (RPP) II in accordance with a predetermined focus b. The teacher determines the media and learning resources needed in learning. c. The teacher prepares the student's observation sheet. d. The teacher prepares evaluation questions to determine the success of learning. 2. Implementation The implementation of the second cycle on Wednesday, April 26 2017 in the first hour of the lesson is 07.15 until 08.25 or the duration of time is 2 x 35 minutes. The author carries out the improvement of learning cycle II using the Learning Improvement Plan (RPP cycle II). Repair activities include: a. The teacher performs an apperception and continues to explain briefly about the multiplication of numbers with repetitive summation and continues with question and answer. b. The teacher installs teaching aids and classically observes students. c. Students randomly forward the class to calculate the multiplication of numbers with the card media. d. Students are given the opportunity to express their learning difficulties. e. The teacher divides students into several work groups. f. Students hold discussions in teacher supervision and guidance. g. Each group reports the results of the discussion and another group responds. In the learning process the teacher has better prepared learning media that represent the number of population of class II A students, amounting to 31 students. The teacher briefly explains the learning material, but the teacher does not pay attention to the activities of students per student. The teacher only responds to active students who are less trying to ask other students. On the other hand some students are very active in response to teacher learning, on the other hand the other students are flat on learning, this condition does not get the attention of the teacher. C. Data Analysis Techniques Data analysis is the process of searching for and systematically compiling data obtained from interviews, field notes and documentation by organizing data into categories, describing it, synthesizing, arranging into patterns, sorting out important and less important ones, and concluding (Sugiyono, 2009). Analysis of learning outcomes is carried out after the learning process takes place by comparing learning outcomes with established criteria. Students are considered successful if the student gets a score of at least 70. If the student gets a score of 70 it is considered complete, if it is less than 70 then it is not completed. then put in the table and calculated according to the classical completeness formula and illustrated in the graph. P = n x 100% N Where: P = Value : n = Number of correct answers : N = Number of all questions. (Arikunto, S in Umam 2009) The number of grades obtained by students that is more or equal to KKM 7.00 is the average formative test formulated: P = n x 100% N Where: P = Percentage : n = Number of students who have completed : N = Number of students in one class. To analyze the affective domain, researchers used observations and field notes. Observations are made based on the observation sheet. Data from the results of the observation sheet are included in the formula: NA = n x 100 N Where: NA = Final Value : n = Number of scores obtained : N = Maximum number of scores Then it is classified into several criteria, namely: 80 - 100A = Very Good 66 - 79 B = Good 56 - 65 C = Enough 0 - 5 D = Less Arikunto, S in Umam. (2009) Once classified, it is included in the table. From tables and presented in graphical form. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The research data obtained are derived from observation data in the form of observation of learning management using media cards, observation of student and teacher activities, and student formative test data at the end of learning in each cycle. Observation data on the management of learning using card media is used to determine the effect of applying the method of calculating number multiplication in improving achievement, while formative test data is used to determine the increase in student achievement after using card media when multiplication learning in repeated summation. A. Description of Learning Improvement Research Results 1. Cycle I a. Planning Phase At this stage the researcher prepares learning devices consisting of learning implementation plans, formative test questions 1, and supporting learning media. b. Activity and Implementation Stage Before carrying out the first cycle of learning activities the researcher made an agreement with colleagues to help him observe the situation in the classroom when the learning process took place in order to improve the teaching method. The implementation of teaching and learning activities for the first cycle was held on April 13, 2017 in class II elementary school with a total of 31 students. In this case the researcher acts as a teacher. The teaching and learning process refers to the planned implementation of learning. Observations are carried out together with Next is the results of the student formal tests in the first cycle will be displayed in the following table: Formative Test Results of Students in Cycle I

No. Abs

Nama Siswa




Tidak Tuntas


Achmad Bilqis Adzany



Achmad Reno Saputra



Ade Artha Ferdimas



Amel Firsitian Aprillia



Balqis Laksa Nur Ramadhani



Diky Hermansyah



Dini Dwi Aminarti



Ferly Destriani



Galih Ramadhania Ainun Naza






Irsyad Alfikri Ali Ibrahim



Luqman Ardiansyah



Maulana Misbahussidiq



Meilina Arista



Mifta Chuzahra



Mochammad Adi Pratama



M. Ridho Indo Jawa



Muhammad Andi Firmansyah



Muhammad Dava Ardiansyah



Muhammad Fahrizal Aditya



Muhammad Faqri Andrianto



Nadin Nurhalizah



Nasril Ilham



Nuriddati Ismi



Nur Lailatul Maghfiroh



Raisa Nuriya Nazli



Rima Lailatul Zahroh



Rudy Akbar Samudra



Saiful Arjun



Sintya Ayu Harrina



Sri Nurinda Safitri






From the table above it can be seen that there are 10 students whose values ​​are less than 70, that is. While 21 other students got a value of ≥ 70. That means there are 10 students who have not achieved mastery learning and 21 students who have achieved mastery learning. This is because students still feel new and do not understand what is intended and used by the teacher by applying the method of calculating number multiplication using card media. c. Reflection Based on the results of teacher discussions with colleagues that the value of learning evaluation that has been achieved by students in the first cycle shows that students who have not completed learning have 10 students. Therefore, researchers and colleagues decide to carry out improvements in learning in cycle II. Based on input from colleagues, the failure to improve learning in the first cycle was mainly due to lack of motivating students, managing time and guidance and attention to students. 2. Cycle II a. Planning Phase At this stage the researcher prepares learning devices consisting of the implementation plan for lesson 2, LKK 2, formative test questions 2, and learning tools / media that support b. Stage of activity and observation The implementation of teaching and learning activities for the second cycle was held on April 26, 2017 in class II with the number of students 31 students. In this case the researcher acts as a teacher. The teaching and learning process refers to the lesson plan by paying attention to the revisions in the first cycle, so that errors or shortcomings in the first cycle do not recur in the second cycle. Observation (observation) is carried out simultaneously with the implementation of teaching and learning. Next will be presented the data on the formative test results of students in the second cycle in the following table: Formative Test Results of Students in Cycle II

No. Abs

Nama Siswa




Tidak Tuntas


Achmad Bilqis Adzany



Achmad Reno Saputra



Ade Artha Ferdimas



Amel Firsitian Aprillia



Balqis Laksa Nur Ramadhani



Diky Hermansyah



Dini Dwi Aminarti



Ferly Destriani



Galih Ramadhania Ainun Naza






Irsyad Alfikri Ali Ibrahim



Luqman Ardiansyah



Maulana Misbahussidiq



Meilina Arista



Mifta Chuzahra



Mochammad Adi Pratama



M. Ridho Indo Jawa



Muhammad Andi Firmansyah



Muhammad Dava Ardiansyah



Muhammad Fahrizal Aditya



Muhammad Faqri Andrianto



Nadin Nurhalizah



Nasril Ilham



Nuriddati Ismi



Nur Lailatul Maghfiroh



Raisa Nuriya Nazli



Rima Lailatul Zahroh



Rudy Akbar Samudra



Saiful Arjun



Sintya Ayu Harrina



Sri Nurinda Safitri






Based on the table above, it can be seen that out of 31 students only 6 students have not achieved mastery learning, while 25 other students have achieved mastery learning. The results in this second cycle increased better than cycle I. The increase in learning outcomes in the second cycle was influenced by an increase in the ability of teachers to use media cards in learning so students become more accustomed to learning like this so students are easier to understand the material has been given. In this second cycle classical completeness has been achieved, so this study only arrived at cycle II. c. Reflection At this stage, I will examine what has been done well or which is still not good in the learning process using card media in mathematics learning. From the data that has been obtained can be accomplished as follows: 1) During the teaching and learning process the teacher has carried out all the learning well. Although there are some aspects that are not perfect, the percentage of implementation for each aspect is quite large. 2) Based on observational data it is known that students are active during the learning process. 3) Weaknesses in the previous cycle have experienced improvements and improvements to make it better. 4) Student learning outcomes in cycle II reach completeness. B. Discussion 1. Completeness of Student Learning Outcomes Through these research results indicate that learning by using media cards has a positive impact on improving student learning achievement. This can be seen from the recapitulation of the formative test results in the following cycles I and II: Table 4.7. Recapitulation of Cycle I and Cycle II Test Results



Hasil Siklus I

Hasil Siklus II




The average formative test value Number of students who complete study Pers Percentage of mastery learning







From the table above, it can be explained that by using the method of calculating number multiplication using media cards, the average learning achievement of students in the first cycle is 68.70 and learning completeness reaches 67.74% or there are 21 students from 31 students who have finished learning. These results indicate that in the first cycle classically students have not yet finished learning, because students who get a value of ≥ 75 are only 67.74% smaller than the desired percentage of completeness that is equal to 70%. Whereas in the second cycle the average formative test scores of students were 70.35 and of the 31 students who had completed as many as 25 students and 6 students had not achieved mastery learning. Then classically the learning completeness that has been achieved is 80.64%. Thus, it can be seen that the more stable the students' understanding of the material delivered by the teacher, it can be seen in the learning completeness that has increased from the second semester of the study, from 67.74% to 80.64%. In cycle II classical student mastery learning has been achieved.

CONCLUSION AND ADVICE FOLLOW UP A. Conclusion From the results of the learning activities that have been carried out for two cycles, and based on all the discussions and analyzes that have been carried out, it can be concluded that: First, learning multiplication methods to calculate using media cards has a positive impact on improving student achievement which is marked by increased student learning in each cycle, namely the first cycle (67.74%), and the second cycle (80.64%). Second, the application of card media in mathematics learning also has a positive influence in increasing student learning motivation, it can be seen in the activities of teachers and students, on average students are interested and interested in learning mathematics so that they become motivated to learn.

B. Suggestions for Follow-Up

From the results of research obtained from the previous description so that the teaching and learning process of Mathematics is more effective and more optimal results for students, then the follow-up suggestions are presented as follows: 1. To implement the method of calculating number multiplication using card media requires sufficient preparation, so that the teacher must be able to determine or choose a topic that is truly applicable in the teaching and learning process so that optimal results are obtained. 2. In order to improve student learning achievement, teachers should train students more often with various learning methods, although in a simple level, where students can later find new knowledge, obtain concepts and skills, so students succeed or are able to solve the problems they face . 3. The application of the method of calculating number multiplication using media in the implementation of the learning process needs to be considered and adjusted to the characteristics of the learning material. 4. Need further research, because the results of this study were only carried out in class II (Two) SD ALAZHAR BEHJI Pakal Surabaya.

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