Ahlis Qoidah Noor

Ahlis Qoidah Noor. Biasa dipanggil Ahlis. Seorang guru di SMK. senang beragam hal. menulis puisi, cerpen, mendesain baju, membaca puisi, menyanyi,melakukan rise...

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My first book

My first book

One day in a room , I asked a question

“ Is it possible for me to make a creation ?”

“...That makes us great or even eternal ?”

It is okay to have such suggestion ...

Not longer after it, a man came

Said to me about a new world era

Where I can make my history

A place where I can write my first story

Then I wrote 15 short stories

And I gave the title “ Pidatoku di Hadapan Bupati “

Oh that is so amazing up to now

That I can make our own world to know

60 days later , I can not stand alone

When the second anthology was found

I wrote” Kembara Dua Hati “, it is on the ground

Waiting for having the editor to make it round

It is about poems in three languages

The Bahasa, English and Javanese

Waiting for having my third one release

And finding the title for the best piece

A month later I have made a new one

40 poems in the Bahasa

I called it “ Dikutuk Cinta “

It will be a romantic poem for KITA

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Good Job Congratulation..

07 Apr

Amazing...I hope the book will be the best seller

07 Apr

thanks...semoga .aaminn

13 Apr

Amazing...I hope the book will be the best seller

07 Apr


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