Asep Dhani Gandani

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Digital Application during the Corona Virus Pandemy

This article will talk about the digital application during the corona virus pandemy.

The digital application during the corona virus pandemy has already shown its significant role in every sector. It plays an important role in every sector.

During the corona virus pandemy, every sector cannot evade from the practicality of the digital application. The education has relied heavily on Learning Management System in the digital applications. The business, office and government have relied heavily on the digital applications through working from home. The social relationship has relied heavily on the digital social media and telecommunication. No sector can avoid itself from the digital application.

Digital application, especially during the corona virus pandemy, has ruined the conventional ways our parents and founding fathers have already established. The social relationship which used to rely eavily on the use of physical contact has been altered into digital social relationship through digital social media and telecommunication. The governments all around the world have banned the physical contact and have enforced the people to conduct physical distancing, to stay at home and to use maskers to avoid droplets of corona virus.

The people nowadays have only two options, namely use digital application or do nothing. It is high time that we used digital application.

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