Badriah Yankie

Resolusi 2020: Menulis 1.000 artikel dalam setahun ...

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Power Differentials

Power diffrential is defined as imbalanced relationship in which one person has more power (real or perceived) over the other. In the beginning I ask myself why I should learn this materials in my Fullbright course. Then, I understand that power differential is a culture phenomenon that occur in school settings. Every teacher, every individuals perceive different power towards themselves and others.

Teachers as adult in school should play a role model that students can learn from. However, some teacher abuse the power. They see themselves as 'up-power' group that can intimidate 'down-power' group which are the students. Imbalance power may bring insecureness and worse unwritten caste. By understanding different power teacher and student have, it is hoped that the teaching and learning activities run in its best. Teacher and student both are learners. It is nor fair to treat the students as 'down-group', conversely, they should be seen as colleagues to learn with.

Relative power can also be found in school when one observe the professional relation between a principal with teachers. The point of view that principal post higher power at school may cause the communication between the principal and teachers do not run smoothly. A principal who sees himself as the most knowledgable person, the one in charge prevent him to accept different point of view. The correct answer, the most suitable solution for school is 100% in his hand. This example of power differential is reducing the best performance of teachers.

For me, as a teacher, I should see that the students are human, just as human as I am. They have their own 'Wheel Identity' in the social life. I cannot deny the fact the students also think of reaching dreams, pursuing better future just like me. I must honor my students for what they are.

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