Dodi Indra Bernas

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Narrator : Hello everybody. It is nice to see you all here today. Now, we will show you a play about “MALIN KUNDANG” . This is our characters....

................................................. as Malin Kundang

................................................. as Malin Kundang’s mother

................................................. as Lina

................................................. as Udin

................................................. as Captain

................................................. as Pirate

Well ladies and gentlemen. Let’ s enjoy the play .

Narrator : In a village lived an old woman with her son named Malin Kundang, they worked gathering firewood because his father had dead long ago and brought waves sailing hard.

Mother : “Malin , go into the woods looking for firewood.”

Malin :”Yes mom.”

Mother :”Quick malin , because I would cook for our meals.”

Malin :”Ready mom.”

(Malin went to the forest to fetch firewood . Malin thought folly and said) :

Malin :”Oh god , why does my fate like this. I just want to be success and wealthy.”

(On the way, Udin, Malin’s friend come and said) :

Udin :”Hey Malin! Look at me! I am rich now ! Hahaha!”

Malin :”How do you become as rich as it udin?”

Udin :”I wandered into town , and I’m looking for a job earns much money and now I am a rich boy.”

Malin :”Wow! You look so handsome Udin! I will tell my mom and I will be like you!”

(Malin went home, carrying firewood for her mother and then told)

Malin :”Mother, mother!”

Mother :”Yes Malin, what happen?”

Malin :” Mom, look Udin now, he is rich and success, I want to be like him!”

Mother :”But how come he is rich like right now?

Malin :” Udin said that he went to the city and looking for a great job there.”

Mother :” So, do you want to be like him too, Malin?”

Malin :” Yes mom, can I go to the capital city?”

Mother :” But, I am afraid if you go to the capital city, you are too young for that.”

Malin :” But, if we stay at this rate I will not be success and rich.”

Mother :” Well, do what you want, Malin, but don’t forget your mother here”

Malin :” Yes, mom. Thank you very much. I will always remember you”

Mother : “ I hope so”

Narrator : Malin went with a boarded of a merchant ship, during the trip Malin learnt many things about the life. On the way the ship was attacked by pirates.

Pirate :” Huu! We are the pirates, go out from this ship or we kill you all now!”

Capten :” No! This is my ship, and I will not leave this ship, we kill you if you try to force us!

Pirate :” Hey! All of you! Let’s destroy this ship! Ha..ha......

Narrator : All crews on board were killed and all property was taken on board, fortunately Malin was hiding so he was not killed and safe. For few days Malin stood in the sea, and finally arrived in the fertile village.

Malin :” Oouh! Where am I?”

Lina :” Hai! Have you wake up?”

Malin :” Yes, who are you? Where am I?”

Lina :” I am Lina, this is Makmur village.”

Malin :” Oooh, I am Malin, My ship was robbed by the pirate, I want to look for a job and I want to be a successful and rich man!”

Narrator : With persistence and tendacy in working then Malin became a wealthy man. Then he think to marry, Malin loved Lina. He proposed her to be his wife.

Malin :” Hmmm, Lina?”

Lina :” Yes, Malin, what’s up?

Malin :” Hmmm, I want to tell something to you?”

Line :” What is that Malin. It seems so serious?”

Malin :” Hmmm, will you marry me Lina?”

Lina :” Are you serious Malin?”

Malin :” Of course, Lina. I am serious”

Line :” hm......Yes, Malin, I want to be your wife”

Narrator : Malin and Lina got married. Malin became a successful man and their marriage heard to his mother. His mother and the villages were very happy. One day Malin went sailing back to his village. Malin’s mother who saw the arrival of the ship reached to the dock was so happy,When she saw two persons who standing in the ship, she walkednearer and tried to cacthed her son. She believes that the man was her son and her daughter in law. She was hugging Malin

Mother : “ Malin Kundang, my son!”

Narrator : Seeing an old woman dressed on shabby, dirty, hugged him, Malin Kundang was shame. He became angry even though he knew that the old woman was his mother. He embarrassed to his wife becoause having a poor mother.

Malin :” Who are you?” (pointing at his mother)

Mother :” I am your mother, Malin.”

Lina :” Is she really your mother Malin?”

Malin :” She is not my mother! I don’t have a poor mother like her, my mother was dead long time ago.”

Udin : Malin... Please. I am udin. Your friend and this is your mother.

Malin : Who are you? I do not know both of you.

Mother :” Malin, I am your mother, why did you say I was death? I am your mother Malin.”

Malin :” I said, I am not going to recognize you as my mother!”

Lina ;”Malin... See her. Are you sure she is not your mother?”

Udin : “Malin..... Are you........

Malin :”No... she is not my mother. She is liying. And you..... You are not my friend”

Mother :”Malin...... Don’t you remember me? I am your mother malin”

Malin :” No. You are not my mother. Go away from her’ ( kicking the old woman)

Mother : “Malin....... hik...hik....malin.....

Udin : “Mother. It is better for us to go from here. It is useless having a son like him.

Narrator :” Getting a a bad treatment from her son, Malin’s mother was very sad. She cried in a sorrow one. She did not expect him to be rebellious child. She just cried and cried. Not so long time, Malin Kundang went sailing back to the city. The old woman prayed to the god.

Mother :” Lord,My God......Plese help me. if he is not trully my son. Please safe him and forgive him. But, if he is trully my son,Malin kundang. please curse him .... curse him to be the rock. I do not want him to be my son anymore. Curse him to be rock. To be Lord.

Narrator :” Suddenly, Flash and thunder came by and by. A violent stormy came. The storm destroyed Malin’s ship. The ship sank and all of Malin proverty was gone.

Malin :” Mother.......! Please forgive me. I ignored you as my mother. I cheated that I am not your son. Mother..... I am so sorry. I beg you. Mother...... mother...... motherrrr...”

Narrator : “Right after that Malin Kundang’s body slowly became rigid and step by step he changed into a rock. And now Malin’s stone can be seen in Air Manis beach, in the southern city of Padang, West Sumatera. Well, ladies ang gentlemen. That is our performance. Thank you very much for your attention. Good bye and see you next time. Assalamulaikum. W.w

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