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The Reasons Why a Prayer Is Not Accepted (Tagur hari ke 67)

The Reasons Why a Prayer Is Not Accepted (Tagur hari ke 67)

Once upon a time, Ibrahim ibn Adham r.a. passed a market in the city of Basra. People gathered around him and said, "O Abu Ishaq (kinayah of Ibrahim ibn Adham) why every time we pray, our prayers are not answered?"

Ibrahim replied, "Because your hearts are dead in 10 cases. First, you know (the rights) of Allah but you do not fulfill those rights. Second, you think that you love Rasulullah SAW but you leave his sunnah, Third, you read the Qur'an but do not practice its contents. Fourth, you enjoy the gift of Allah but you are not grateful for it. Fifth, you say Satan is your enemy but you are not against him. Sixth, you say that heaven is truly there but you are not trying to achieve it. Seventh, you say that hell is right there but you don't try to avoid it. Eighth, you say that death is right before your eyes but you are not prepared to face it. Ninth, you wake up, then you are busy with yourself looking for other people's disgrace and forget your own disgrace. Tenth, you bury the dead people but you do not learn from them.

Translated from "101 Kisah Teladan" written by Muhammad Amin al-Jundi, Indonesian translation by Safrudin Edi Wibowo, Lc

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