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The Story of Dajjal, and the Signs of the Last Day Part 6 (Tagur Hari ke-61)

The Story of Dajjal, and the Signs of the Last Day Part 6 (Tagur Hari ke-61)

On the way, Dajjal finds the ruins of the building. He says to the ruins, "Take out your wealth." Then the treasure follows him like a male bee. He then summons a young man, then slashes him with a sword, cuts him into two pieces, and separates them as far as a hand throws. He then calls him, then the young man immediately comes to him and rubs his face. He laughs.

At the time he does the damage, Allah SWT sends Al-Masih Isa the son of Maryam a.s to earth. He comes down from the white tower east of Damascus, dressing in the ornate and fragrant clothes of Za'faran while placing his palms on the wings of two angels. If he lowers his head, then drops of water. If he raises his head again, it emits beads of gems (the water droplets resemble gems because of their clarity). No disbeliever smells his fragrance but they will die and their souls drift away. Then Isa (as) looks for Dajjal and he finds him at the door of Lud (an area in Sham) and kills him. Isa a.s then came to a people who are protected by Allah SWT from the evil of the Dajjal, he then rubs their faces, explaining their status later in heaven.

While Isa is doing it, Allah Almighty orders him, "I have brought out (created) a group of my servants that no one can defeat them, take them (your followers) to a hill (or take them to a mountain and make the mountain their shield). Then Allah SWT releases Gog and Magog and they run from every bend of the hill. Some of Isa's followers run towards the waters of Tiberia and drank the water. When the last of them came to the waters, the people said, "This place used to be water."Prophet Isa (as) and his companions are surrounded by Gog and Magog, feeling difficulties and limitations that the head of a bull belonging to one of them is worth more than a hundred dinars today (because of their need for food). Prophet Isa and his companions then take refuge and prayed to Allah SWT. Isa tells them to pray with all their hearts and ask Allah for help with all humility and ask Him for help to eliminate the interference of Gog and Magog who want to kill them

Translated from "101 Kisah Teladan" written by Muhammad Amin al-Jundi, Indonesian translation by Safrudin Edi Wibowo, Lc

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