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The Story of Dajjal, and the Signs of the Last Day Part 9 (Tagur Hari ke-65)

The Story of Dajjal, and the Signs of the Last Day Part 9 (Tagur Hari ke-65)

The Release of Gog and Magog.

Regarding them, Allah SWT says, "Until, when Gog and Magog are let loose, and they hasten out of every mound," (al-Anbiya; 96) Then Allah says, "They said: O Dhu’l-Qarneyn! Lo! Gog and Magog are spoiling the land. So may we pay thee tribute on condition that thou set a barrier between us and them?"(al-Kahfi: 94) They are two tribes from the family of Yafis bin Nuh who came out at the end of time, after the collapse of the dam built by Dzul Qarnain. They then wreak havoc on the earth with all kinds of depraved behavior. They, in abundance, eat whatever they find and drink the waters of Tiberian waters until there is nothing left.

The fire comes out that leads people to the Field of Mahsyar.

The fire come out of the earth 'Adn. It is a huge and terrifying fire that no one can extinguish. The fire sticks out and leads people to the Mahsyar field (a gathering place). These are major signs of the apocalypse. We pray to Allah SWT to save ourselves with his glory from the pain of the apocalypse. He is All-Hearing and All-Close.

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