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Love and Debate Competition


Thank you for the time! Let me introduce my team:

I’m Sony Martahaesy as the first speaker and Tina Siwi Mahardika the second speaker The last speaker is The Biggy Boss Baharudin Panjaitan. Here, my group try to propose the motion of our debate today……………………….

“Sony… deepest in my heart you are so smart and so critical but you defeat my team!” I said by myself. I felt hard to accept that this year my team lost in the debate competition. Sony’s point of view that made his group won the competition made my capability ruined only in a day!

”Dear Jury! Our team eliminated the motion that Nationalism here is inIndonesia. But this group keep the meaning of nationalism in general. This group doesn’t rebut our opinion but they go on their own opinion. I do not understand should we continue this debate or we change the motion!” Sony delivered his opinion gently and confidently.

Why I forgot to convey this ! Eliminating is the affirmative’s right! Bonita still didn’t realize that our group made a very serious mistake. Over there I saw Mr. Pahlevi looked disappointed. He didn’t expect that I would make this foolish mistake. I thought I was over concentrated on my mind to create the opinions as soon as possible. Twice I got involved in Debate competition, I always got affirmative position. Even when we practiced it at school Mr. Pahlevi always switched our position but he forgot to gave us the motion that needed certain elimination.

“Alright Vivian! Good Job! You’ve done your best.” Mr. Pahlevi tried to comfort me.“ Gosh….we made a mistake. Why I didn’t know it?” Bonita was so surprised. I could understand why she didn’t realize it fast. She was focusing in writing her ideas when I delivered my opinions.

“What about you Joanna?” Mr. Pahlevi said to Joanna that kept silent during our way home to school.

“Nothing! We still lack of practicing. Once a month isn’t sufficient for us to practice debate. We need more time to do this.” Joanna said. She always spoke wisely. Joanna was just like our mother. She never saw her emotion but she always thought everything deeply.

“Come on…we only have twice chances to get involved in this competition!” Bonita argued.

“Alright…I know you are all so upset. But…this is a competition. There are always the winner and the loser on the other hand.” Mr Pahlevi moderated the argument between Bonita and Joanna. Life is a Debate, Right!


“Vivian’s speaking!” I got a phone when I nearly went to bathroom.

“Hmmm…. I’m Sony.”

“Wow…wow…wow…Mr. Debater What made you phoned me? I really surprised!” I answered rather cynical. I hadn’t succeeded getting rid my anger to him.

“Come on…That’s only a competition, Vi. Be fair! I phoned you as a friend. Actually I like your opinion that there is nothing to do between Debate in English with our nationalism. Please forget our competition for a while? I have some good offers for you” Sony said patiently.

“Okay, what kind of offers? I started interesting with his words.

“ To celebrate my winning what about going to the movie? Huahaha… No, No…. I just kidding. I mean as a boy who admires you I request you to be my special friend? Sonny was still kidding me. How dare you!

“ Meet me and my group in the Astro Boy Café! Lets discuss this matter whether you ‘re worthy enough or not to be my special friend.”

“Okay I’ll pick you up at seven. Be on time!”


After I closed the conversation with Sony, I put My cell phone to send this news to my incredible mates; Joanna and Bonita.

Jo & Bo,

Sony rang me 2 meet at seven in Astro Boy café. Pliz accmpny me. B on time! Luv ya!

Not too long, I heard my private ringing “Sebelum Cahaya” from Letto.

Whazzap Vivie! He luv ya like I said b4. Take it or leave it

That’s from Bonita. Then…..

Bebe…..Dinner…I never reject. Luv that’s Ur Bzniz


it’s from Joanna.

Sony..Sony…. I love you ,too. But You beat my group!

Astro Boy Café,07.00 p.m

“What would you like?” Sony offered me first.


“Strawberry juice with cream on the top of it!” Bonita chose her drink

“Cappuccino coffee with cream on the top of it!” now Joanna said.

They chose their own drinks without asking permission to Sony. How naughty they are!

“I like your group! I don’t have to guess what I should do to you all! Frankly speakers!” Sony laughed cheerfully showing his nice teeth. He wore a nice T-shirt and Blue jeans trousers.

“Okay let me choose our menu for dinner. Cheese fried chicken four!” Sony chose the menu, then Bonita said,

“Eliminate the menu is affirmative’s right!”

“Oh no! Eliminate the menu is the treater’s right!” Joanna said

Huahahaha…..we all laughed and grinned together. We were really debaters. Our topics in conversation was never far from the motions in debate.

Life is really a Debate!


“Hi! What about my offer last night! Could you be my special friend?” Sony reminded me his offer to be his special friend.

“Could you give me clear definition of special friend? I don’t want to accept that has bias meaning on it.” I tried to argue his offer.

“Vi, this is the first time in my life that I catch some chemistry reaction when I met you at the first sight. You’re so different. I only found it in your eyes and your words.” Instead of explaining the elimination of the special friend he said what he felt to me. Gosh! I also felt the chemistry reaction but I also felt he tried to defeat my heart to complete his winning. How come?

“CAN YOU ACCEPT SOMETHING from someone that has already defeat you?

“How many time should I say to you That’s only our school competition. Nothing to do with us. Please, be relax!”

Love is A Debate, too!

Sticking on my focus on study or Opening my heart to lay his love in it.

Dear friend,

Help me please! I Love him too but He Beat my group!


Smanty, Late October 2007

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


awesome and informative

27 Oct

Gosh,,,your words catch my heart. Thank you Pak Leck,,,

27 Oct

Belajar lagi ah...setelah sekian lama beku

27 Oct

Hehehe,,,iyoo,,lihat terjemahan sajaa

28 Oct

lihat terjemahannya di mana?

28 Oct

Saya tidak tau maksudnya bunda. He

27 Oct

Ga papa buu,,

27 Oct

Rika jan pinter nulis cerpen nganggo basa Inggris, jan maen temenan, inyong dadi kepengin ngomong Inggris ....

28 Oct

Lhaa kuwe,,sing jenenge gerakan literasi mbok,,literasi bahasa inggris,,masyarakat ekonomi asean kudu melek bhs inggris iyaa,,hehehe

28 Oct

Good job.

27 Oct

Thank you,,

28 Oct


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