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ME, The Best Teacher in Mylife
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ME, The Best Teacher in Mylife

As I told to sensei Eko Adri Wahyudiono that I would start writing in Gurusiana when I have completed my master degree in Literature. Here, I'm back from my days as student of English Literature. Even Merdeka Belajar hasn't been launched by the Ministry of education I have stepped ahead. Why? I take my master degree when I reached 44 years old. Merdeka untuk terus belajar sepanjang hayat ; that's the jargon of Learning independent. That wisdom words are actually the good idea of our Father of Education Ki Hajar Dewantara. Previously, I feel ashamed why I was always late in experiencing stages or phases in my life, but when I watched Merdeka Mengajar the points of Education on the basis of Dewantara's points of view I did the right things. Please you may click this link to know https://bit.ly/3Ijas2g

On those taping video we know how Dewantara define what Education is. I found that I am really a freedom individual person. Manusia Merdeka adalah manusia yang hidupnya bersandar pada kekuatan sendiri baik lahir maupun bathin tidak tergantung pada orang lain (Dewantara: 2022) The content of the video raises my confidence as a freedom individual person. I never care too much to others when I started my strata one with two daughters and I am be PNS when I have three daughters. Then I continued my master when I am 44 years old meanwhile friends of mine mostly are twenty two to twenty seven as the eldest. I always stand on the right track when doing my plan. Writing thesis without anyhelps from others, searching and going to libraries till to the National Library are my steps in completing my degree. This is a big deal in mylife even others will see as an ordinary perspective or experience.

Who's your best teacher in your life? I answer myself. I'm an individual that Allah created is the best type of human creature that Allah created in the world. Thank You Allah for this blessing life. Thank you my dearly parents who let me grow as a freedom one.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Awesome! I am amazed with this artikel written in English which interestingly informed us about someone who inspired the author, and She put herself as the chosen one. Her decision seemingly is fair and unique, but if you read it carefully, you will find the story of her struggle in the story. She deserves to be the chosen one. Congratulation, you already did your best and inspired all of us. Love it!

03 Jan


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