fitri indrayani

Keep calm and enjoy your life....

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Haiku 4

Haiku 4

1. A thousand haiku

I write on to celebrate

This nature's beauty.

2. Infected deeply

By this vast cane plantation

All I see is green.

3. The most beautiful

Song I've ever heard is sung

By the black crow. Caw!

4. The moon needs a friend

Tonight, so I go out, smile,

And sing a sweet song.

5. A stranger walks fast

Chased by his own dark shadow,

On the busy street.

6. Cluck! The owl declares

That his voice is better

Than the ticking clock.

7. Walk under the sun

On a July noon, I feel

Pinches on my skin.

8. The tiny yellow

Blossoms, invade the green leaves

Of the stand tall tree.

9. Don't call for summer

Wind! For they will send some dust

Right to your own face.

10. What shadows are there?

Swinging back and forth by wind.

Those dry tree monsters!

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