Fredi Manik, S.Pd

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Manik, Fredi, 2016. The Effort of Increasing the Students’ Learning Activity for the student

of Grade XI IPA-2 of SMAK Santo Fransiskus Asisi Samarinda Semester

1, the Academic year of 2015/2016, on the Material of “Hierarki Dalam

Gereja Katolik”, By using the Method of Jigsaw. Under the supervision of

Mr. Gervasius Panggur Masuri, and Mr. Dominikus.

The aimed of this study was to know much about how far the students’ learning activity when applying the method of jigsaw in increasing the activity of the students in the Catholic religion class for the students of grade XI IPA-2 the academic year of 2015/2016.

This study was the Class room Action Research (CAR) comprises two cycles. The cycle 1 was done on 4 August 2015, the next one was done on 11 August 2015 and the third one was done on 19 August 2015. The method used in this study was jigsaw method while the data collection was done through observation and written test.

The students’ activity in the Catholic religion class on the material of “Hierarki dalam Gereja Katolik”. The students’ learning activity from cycle 1, 2 and 3 got increease. It can be viewed from cycle 1, that is, the average of the score percentage of the acitivity for all students reached 31%, cycle 2 increased to 61% and cycle 3 increased to 72%. By getting increase of the result of observation for the students individually and for each indicator influenced toward the increase of the students’ learning result. In cycle 1 was 14%, cycle 2 the students who got the completeness were 82%, and cycle 3 the completeness of learning increased to 93%.

The result of the study showed that through the method of cooperative learning, the model of jigsaw, can really increase the students’ learning activity in Catholic religion class, on the material of “Hierarki dalam Gereja Katolik” for the students of grade XI IPA-2 SMAK Fransiskus Asisi Samarinda, semester one the academic year of 2015/2016.

Keywords: Activity, Learning, Method, Student.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


The result of the study showed that through the method of cooperative learning, the model of jigsaw, can really increase the students’ learning activity in Catholic religion class. Saya yakin bisa juga digunakan pada materi lainnya pak.

27 Jun

Perfect... Like this

27 Jun


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