Islah Wahyuni

I'm a midwife giving health service in evening and a lecturer at STIKES PAYUNG NEGERI PEKANBARU...

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improve your self

Improvisation is necessary today. All aspect in life need improvisation.

Like teach a practice subject, we must do it by any trick and way, to make student can understanding to the topic.


Improve all of your skill and ability during teach them.

A practice subject is interest thing to the student.. Because it can make everyone work together and class situation being more happy and awesome .

In this cheerful saturday morning, we have done a subject with practice, how to do breast care during preganncy and lactation stage.

They very happy and very understand and also being confident to do later to tth real patients.

So.. I think its my way to improve my skill in teach, and an improvisation is good choices to upgrade our skill and students skill too..


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