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(D33) Perfect in imperfection

It’s my life.

I know it’s very imperfect life

Sometimes I feel sorrow

Some other time I have a blast.

Now, I am around the one I love

With some stories and lauhgter

The other time I am alone with no lonely

Someday, I am jaded and hopeless

The other day, it's full of things to do with no action

And in the next day, I finish them in rush

Not all everything runs as I wish

But whatever has happened to me

I can see what great blessing I’ve got.

In hurt and pain, I can feel

How God loves me so much.

How can I be ungrateful person?

For all blessings He has sent to me

For all great things He has offered in my life

I realize…my life isn’t mine. It’s His

And I love my life ….. indeed

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Kereeen puisinya, Bunda. Salam literasi

12 Apr

Makasi pak Dede.salam sukses untuk pak Dede ya

12 Apr


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