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aku seorang pesakitan -__- menjadi guru wiyata di MA darul ma'la Winong PATI 1997-2010, mejadi Guru SMP negeri 2 Winong 2003-2010, menjadi guru di S...

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you take study somewhere on something, one of the biggest goal is graduation. You see, the time is getting near for my friends who are going to come the graduation ceremony day in Balairung. Actually my friends have graduated in July but the graduation ceremony is gonna be held on September 14, 2012. So, I love to say CONGRATULATION for you guys (for the men: Adi, Andi, Asa, Bali, Bimo, Budi, Daniel, Hadi, Hapis, Pandu, Qnoy, and Reza; and for the women: Asef, Chusnul, Decil, Desti, Dewi, Dian, Dila, Disa, Esti, Fai, Helen, Intan, Inna, Irna, Je, Lilid, Linyo, Maris, Michu, Mika, Mimit, Mita, Nia, One, Prily, Putri, Rasti, Resti, Rina, Sari, Tina, Vina Uni) after 4 years studying in Chemistry Department of Universitas Indonesia, after all the experiences you got, after all the dilemma you had, after all the problems came to you, and many more. What about me? Well, me myself personally is still in the process of “preparing” for my happy graduation. I just wish that I will graduate soon (February, 15 2013) amin. Oia, I would like you to remember of this: It is the first step guys. Your title is your modal to get something you always dream it most. Anyhow, I just wish that you will have really great days ahead after the graduation day. The nation awaits you to prove your competency

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