Mira Karina

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My Days at Regional Facilitator Training in Jakarta, 5 - 8 October 2022 Day 1
All participants and 2 provincial-facilitators (in the middle)

My Days at Regional Facilitator Training in Jakarta, 5 - 8 October 2022 Day 1

I am an ambitious learner, especially in matter of English teaching and learning. Several days ago exactly from the fifth of October to the eighth of October, I became the partipant of Regional Facilitator training for English language subject for the junior high school (MTs) level.

To participate in the training, we have passed two phases, which were the administation, online test and the interview phase. Actually in West Bangka Regency, for the MTs level, there was only me who joined the selection for the English subject. Nobody else. Actually, I was asked to join the selection for the principal facilitator, however I feel that I am not capable yet to be the facilitator. I am a newbie. It had only been 11 months till now since I became the principal in our school.

Thus, in April 2022, I decided to apply for the English subject because I am confident with my own capacity and ability. I passed three phases of the selection. At the end of September, all the applicants were asked to join the national training held in Jakarta.

I was delighted to join the training, however, I was confused thinking about my lovely son, Ardo. I had never slept away from him before. Not a day. Now, I had to sleep apart from him for almost 5 days. I talked to my husband, fortunately he allowed me to go.

Days before leaving, I often said to my son that I would go fly with the aircraft to go to Jakarta. He said "No, jangan".

There the day came. I got up early, my husband as well. The mini bus travel would pick me up at around 7.30 a.m. Ardo had waken up. So, they accompanied me to wait for the mini bus. He waved his hands with the bitter smile.

I was terrified of flying with the aircraft remembering several aircraft crash accident. There were some people I know became one of the victims on the accident. During the flying, I always remember Allah, doing zikir.

All praises to Allah, we safely landed on the airport of Soekarno Hatta, Tangerang. We needed a taxy to bring us to Grand Dafam hotel in Ancol. Then, we caught a taxy for each of us. 350.000 for each person. What an expensive trip.

There we arrived at the hotel, Grand Dafam Ancol, a luxurious accomodation. What a special room we got: big room for one person, completed with the sofa, small kitchen, a dining table, a balcony, a big bed, a TV and a cozy bathroom. I am grateful, but I'm again thinking of my son, why don't you follow me? But, who will accompany him when I'm on duty?

In the afternoon we directyly had the online opening ceremon. The real opening was held in Novotel Jakarta meanwhile the other partipants watched it online via zoom in different hotels.

I always thought about my son wherever and whenever I was. Until night, I could not sleep well. God willing, my son slept well.

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