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Mr. Oemar has a response

A man is seen carrying grass for his livestock after the dawn prayer. The man is Mr. Oemar, 53, and he has a wife and two children. He works as an honorary teacher in a private school and has been there for 24 years and 10 months. The distance he travels to get there is about 17 km, which is about enough to drive half of the distance between his home and his place of employment.

After earning his bachelor's degree at a local private institution, Mr. Oemar began his teaching career as an honorary teacher in 2004. Because he had difficulty at his alma mater while he was a student, he believed that his experience would be helpful to his successors. Beginning a battle is never easy since the distance is too great and the pay is too high to buy petrol in 2004. Nevertheless, this amount was sufficient to cover transportation costs while waiting for the salary to decrease.

According to Mr. Oemar, surviving in private schools is a very difficult task. Both internal and external problems arise and pass, and an honorary teacher must be able to do so. Because they are unable to lobby relevant parties, the "Ndeso" village people's custom is Nrimo ing pandum, and in the end everything is basic and somber, youngsters who appear to be extremely active while still being somewhat passive sometimes create their own color patterns in private schools. Private schools of the same brand will take up the slack by scurrying to their preferred schools even when new pupils are admitted, since it looks that private schools are the only other option.

The issue that Mr. Oemar described is only one of the many unique characteristics of private schools now in existence. When these characteristics are managed appropriately, they may create a unique selling point. The most antiquated blackboard eraser and chalk, as well as vintage entry bells, school doors, and classroom windows, may all be found in ancient buildings and facilities provided they are properly maintained, the author noted. Even yet, we do not contest the pace of change.

Mr. Oemar has been working hard over the past two months to improve how learning activities may be conducted. The global impact of covid19 has revolutionized everything, including the educational landscape. Parents' human resources must also alter in order to compete fast with this circumstance. While it used to be "maybe a tiny portion" of parents leaving everything to educators in schools, at this point cohesion of collaboration between instructors and parents is being challenged.

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