Ratna Mizan

Adalah guru Bahasa Inggris sekaligus Kepala Perpustakaan di MAN Kota Blitar, Jawa Timur. Alumni Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Negeri Malang tah...

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Friday Tragedy

Friday Tragedy

This morning, I woke up early. Actually I still felt tired but I remembered that I should prepare the goods as my duty for my craft class today. I had to bring five kilos of rice, onions and shallots. After prepared all of my duties, I felt something in my mind. It was ridiculous. I felt something will be happened to me. As usual I went to school with my bestie. On our way she felt the negligence of my driving, so she asked me “What’s wrong with you?” and I said “Nothing, I don’t know why I felt strange today”. “Let’s just pray, I hoped nothing happen to us.” Even if my feeling was not good, but I don’t want to make her worried.

Then we faced a sharped bend. I myself ride the motorbike fastly. At the the time, I stopped my motorbike hurriedly by using front brake. You can imagine, it will be fell with unapproprite time and position. I felt my heartbeat here and there. It beated fastly. I calm down my self. I saw my friend, she was okay. So, we started to continue my way. But when I saw around, my motorbike was still lying on the road and no one tried to help us. They just saw us and passed by. That was very ridiculous. The egoism of human, I think. My friend immediately gave her hands to help me and lifted up my motorbike with a feeling of pissed off at seeing people’s reactions. Honestly, I wanted to fly away at that moment. I felt my face looked like tomato. I was so embarassed.

However, I came to school with my dirty uniform. My classmates asked me crowdly, why and how. I had told them, but the last comers will ask again and again and I was shocked to tell the chronological story, so I felt to let them made their conclusions. It was funny to see that. I felt better at that time.

In the afternoon, class was over. Time to go home. Without any imaginations about my embarassed moment in the morning, I run to parking area. I asked my friend to go home directly. I forgot about my morning accident, so I rode my motorbike rushed home. On the way, I met a truck full of cows. I saw the cows in the truck were peeing and it was repetitive. Then, I looked some water along the road which I passed by. At a moment I thought where the water came from? I came to a distinguish conclusion so I try to leave the truck of the cows behind. Suddenly, the cows suddenly were peeing again. And unfortunately it was right above me and my friend. We were shocked. At that time I and my friend screamed and yelled. Therefore, I rode my motorbike fastly. I brought down my friend at her home directly, after entered home I took a bath and cleaned my body for many times. Till now, I am still impressive with a little bit annoying if I remember that time.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Beruntun ya Bu. Pagi dan pulang sekolah dapat ujian. Semoga ga terulang lagi

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Aamiin... terimakasih bunda..

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Aamiin... terimakasih pak ... salam literasi

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