I AM GREY CLOUD (Cerita Anak 4)
This month is Rainy season. There was Grey Cloud alone above the farm.
"I am Grey Cloud. Halo everyone." he said from the sky.
"Halo, Grey Cloud." Big Tree in the corner of farm greet him.
"Hay Grey Cloud, cit cuit cit cuit" greet a Canaries from her nest.
"You drop alot of water today. Don't you tired?" ask Big Tree.
"Yes, I feel sorry for you all. I think my drop waters won't stop until tomorrow." said Grey Cloud.
"Yeah, that's your job Grey Cloud. Never mind." said Big Tree.
" Oh no. My nest going wet this night. Hiks hiks" Canaries start crying.
" Don't worry Canaries. My dense of leaves will covering you. You will not wet at all." Big Tree soothing the Canaries.
" Yeah, I bring water vapor too much from the ocean. I feel bigger now." said Grey Cloud.
"The wind also make your drop waters more heavy." said Big Tree.
"Actually I am getting annoyed about the wind. They love to blow me. It make me going anywhere they're blow." said Grey Cloud.
"Yeah, don't too angry with him. In this Rainy Season the wind also strong. It's a destiny that you and the wind more close." said Big Tree.
"Yes, that's right Grey Clooud. Don't be annoyed. The wind also our friend. He make you come here and meet us." said Canaries.
"Okey. I know. I think I shoud say thankyou to him." said Grey Cloud.
"I like your heavy rain. I can save alot of water inside my root. Thanks to you Grey Cloud and the wind" said Big Tree.
"You are welcome Big Tree. Wah.. the winds go strong again, I think he will bring me to another place. I should leave you. Bye..." said Grey Cloud that moving to another place.
"See you again Grey Cloud."said Canaries and Big Tree.
-The End-
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Rancak bana ko. Harus google translate dulu bacanya.
Beautiful story, bu...salam literasi