St. Shobibul Barokah, S.Pd., merupakan anak ketujuh dari tujuh bersaudara. Lahir di kota Nganjuk. Memiliki hobi membaca dan menyanyi. Pendidikan tingkat atas d...

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103. LK 13 Report Text (35)

103. LK 13 Report Text (35)

103. LK 13 Report Text (35)

Text is for questions number 4 to 5


Puppets have been used for centuries in Indonesia to tell the stories of the ancient epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabarata, as well as ancient myths. Modern stories also utilize this ancient art form for contemporary audiences.

Puppets fall into two major classifications, wayang kulit (the leather or shadow puppet of Central Java) and wayang golek (wooden puppets of West Java). There are several varieties of wooden puppets.

Some expatriates enjoy collecting the same character by various artisans, or all the characters in a scene or story, or just characters that strike their fancy. Good guys, bad guys, gods, demons, nobles, giants, clowns, princes and princesses, and monkeys, all can be found in traditional puppet forms. Less commonly seen are the Wayang Klitik, a flat wooden puppet.

4. What is wayang kulit also called?

a. Wayang golek

b. Shadow puppet

c. Skin puppet

d. Wooden puppet

5. Who are enjoying to collect characters of Indonesian puppets?

a. Some tourists.

b. Some rich people.

c. Some elders.

d. Some expatriates.


4. b. Shadow puppet

5. d. Some expatriates.

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