Sugi Darmayanti

Rasa yang meluah di dalam hati dan pikiran,membutuhkan wadah supaya tidak meluber kemana- mana. Menjadi guru pengampu Bahasa Inggris di SMAN 2 Situbondo adalah...

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A. Background

Based on Curriculum 13 for English subject ,understanding and applying knowledge (factual, conceptual and procedural) by curiosity about science, technology, art, cultural phenomena and visible events is one of the core competence .It has an important relationship with having good skills in reading. But,in fact SMAN 2 students are not interested in it and they often get low score in their reading test.

As an English teacher ,the writer should know the use of suitable media is needed to generate a strategy to distribute reading test. Good quality reading test hopefully will encourage students to produce beneficial output.

Technological progress is one of the main triggers for the increasing number of innovations created in the world of education. One of them, the use of technological devices such as mobile phones.

Mobile or cell phone can be used as a simple learning medium. In this case we can use the simple way to get best result in Reading Class with Google Quiz which is easily operated and distributed with mobile phone.. This is in line with the concept of learning that utilizes electronic devices or e-learning, namely to overcome the limits of space and time, so that the learning process can be done anytime and anywhere.

B. Platform used; Google Forms

In this era, modern facilities are indeed needed to facilitate access to information. For this reason, Google made new innovations in this modern era in order to facilitate access to electronic data. One of them is Google Form.

Benefits and Advantages of Using Google Forms

Some of the advantages of making the learning process using Google Form is:

1) Attractive Form Display.

This application provides facilities to its users to enter and use their own photos or logos. This application also has many templates that make online quizzes and questionnaires more interesting and colorful.

2) Having various types of tests that are freely chosen.

This application provides a selection of test facilities that are free to use according to user requirements. For example multiple choice answers, checklist, dropdown, linear scale, and so forth. can also add YouTube pictures and videos to the quiz.

3) Easy to share.

If you make an online Quiz you can use a laptop or mobile phone connected to the internet and then share the link form address with students by posting it on WA

4) The use of Google Form as a learning process assessment tool also supports paper saving programs as a form of environmental awareness.

6) For teachers, it is greatly helped by the existence of Google Form in terms of cost, time, and energy.

7) For students themselves become more interested, enthusiastic, and active, because it is easy to understand how to use it, and is not limited in space and time.

8) To know more about how to make Quiz,please click these:

C. Implementation

The teacher described the strategies of giving reading quiz used to the X grade students. It was explained that students would have a new way to join the quiz by using their mobile phone. They only needed to have internet connection for joining it. It seemed they interested to have it, because it was their first experience. It was quite easy handling classes and made the students actively involved in reading test.

In this stage, the teacher taught reading by using Jigsaw as one of the model in cooperative learning technique. The detailed activities implemented in the action were as follows:

1. Before beginning the lesson, the teacher prepared the English reading text, which is consisted of six paragraphs.

2. The English teacher lead the students to come to the topic that would be taught.

3. The English teacher divided the students into groups of six.

4. The English teacher gave an English reading text to each group.

5. Each member of the group got one paragraph of reading text and they would be asked to read it. For example, paragraph one for student number one, paragraph two for student number two, paragraph three for student number three, until the last paragraph for the students number six.

6. The teacher asked each member of the group to discuss the material with each member of the other group that had the same material. For example, the students who had the material for paragraph one should make a new group called ‘Expert’ group consisting the students who had paragraph one and discussed the content of paragraph one together.

7. The teacher asked those students who make a new group to back into their previous group and discuss the information that they had got from their new group.

8. After finishing reading the text, each member of the group talk about something that he or she had read to the group. In this activity, everyone could interact and share information needed from one another.

9. The teacher gave the complete material to each group in order to make them easier to do the tasks that had relationship with the text given.

10. The last, the teacher gave quiz by using Google Formulir,the steps were:

o giving a link through WA

o giving TOKEN

o asking students to answer the quiz

D. Discussion and Conclution

The implementation of giving quiz using Google Form among the students broke the bridge between the low achiever and high achiever students in working the task given. The process of answering quiz by students’ mobile phone made them felt comfortable and had self confidence since they had the same responsible in getting information about the content of the English reading text they had and they could do it in secret.Nobody knew whether they had a lot of mistakes or not in answering it. In this way, nobody was able to be lazy or ignore the quiz, because each other wanted to be successful to do the reading comprehension task.

Realizing that there was a comfortable situation of the students’ reading comprehension achievement by using Google quiz , it seems that this could be applied in other subject.

It is suggested that the teacher applies Google quiz as one of the interesting way for learning as another variety of teaching reading, to help students able to find the main idea and the supporting details of English reading text to improve their reading comprehension achievement. Using Google quiz also supports paper saving programs as a form of environmental awareness. It is also greatly helped by the existence of Google quiz in terms of cost, time, and energy. So,if there is no problem in internet connection ,why don’t we use this kind of quiz?


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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Good idea

23 Aug

Thank you

03 Oct


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